Gordon Ryan is back on the saucy sauce

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

I do. When you’re playing bottom against a bigger guy, it takes a toll. Carrying the weight alone does not help.

don’t knock how special that is here

Yeah but their weights are not far apart.

Gordon was the lightest guy at 99+ and Craig had to cut to make 99.

There wouldn’t be more than 5kgs heavier probably.

That kind of weight differential only matters once the top guy has beaten the bottom guys knee shield or 1/2 butterfly and is chest to chest. Craig’s fucked if Gordon gets there anyway.

Gordon will be on top. The question is how will he approach Craig’s guard.

I think Craig’s leg attacks (false reap, slx, ect) are good enough he won’t try to standing j point camp him. He’ll probably engage on the knees and try to beat Craig’s z guard there. It’ll look more like Craig x Kaynan or Palhares probably.

You don’t want to be making upper body connections on a guy like Craig until you beat the knee shield. I think that knee shield battle will take a long time and determine the match.

Eh if Kaynan can gas Craig in 20, Gordon will do the same. Craig would be non-stop defending

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The pacing is much different in no time limit than ADCC.

Craig gassed because he had to push hard because the points gap was so big and time was running out.

No time limit is gay. It just makes everyone pace themselves unnaturally.


how is it un natural


I think it’s more natural than rounds or time limits.


It just turns into marathon stall-fests. When there’s a fixed time limit everyone knows how long it’s going to go and can empty their gas tanks accordingly. With no time limit you have two guys constantly questioning if the other is holding back

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Craig will be forced to push against Gordon or he’s gonna get his guard passed. He will be on defense majority of the time. I know you love CJ, but he aint the guy and his cardio sucks, Im sorry.

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Its AWFUL. I hate sport BJJ as it is, but this takes the cake

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I’m not saying he beats him.

I do think it’s the only interesting non-Nicky Rod match for Gordon now though.

It will be a fun one to watch

Meh id rather Kade/Tye

Gordon on the Juice in BJJ is like Michael Vick in Madden 2004. A literal cheat code


Without the juice he’d look like his brother Nicky when he was natty

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If u leave someone in the water and say you will be back in an hour they will float if you leave and say good bye they will have to do something…said by Royce but not exact words…in a timed match u can get lead n stall until bell in a no limit your forced to open up

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Tye made it interesting with his showing in the absolute. He’s still not very big for 88kg though. It would be interesting to see that match, but i think he’s got less of a shot than Craig in my opinion.

Kade is barely 170. Gordon would brush his teeth with his fro lol.

So let’s pretend that no one knows that the left picture was taken days after he had some sort of surgery and was in bed for three days.

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