Gotta Miss Igor V!!!!!! vid

WTF Igor gets no props?


Still one of the best vids made.

Its a shame that the bulk of Vov's career came at a time when MMA shifted from spectacle to underground and before it became a legit mainstream sport.

No matter what, realize that Vov was KOing BJJ black belts back when being an American purple belt was INSANE.

To this day his NHB/MMA record is something like 75-10 which is pretty crazy considering he spent much of it as a 5'8 1/2 235lb heavyweight with mostly KO striking skills.

And he'll always be the guy remember for ending Kerr's invincible status.

My favorite



Three simple words: Human Highlight Reel.


I miss Igor :( My fave fighter of all time.

my favorite HL

Igor will always be my favourite fihgter.