And then they went through his pockets as he was knocked out. How low can you get?
couldn't get it. Post link.
We've talked about this video before. I still say I would have run that bitch over with my truck and anyone else who tried to mess with me. 1. Turn Wheel hard right 2. Pedal to metal 3. Piece of sh*t is exterminated
Of course, only a fool goes to a store where a bunch of hoodlums are hanging out in front.
Or if all else failed, he should have backed that sh*t up.
Gary Hughes
yeah he should of backed that shit up... or ran that piece of shit over.
Gotta love the dude at the end.
ah... people pick the funniest places to park and the strangest times to be obstinate.
Thats not a fight. Thats just another thug piece of shit, all they have better to do is sit in front of stores and harass innocent people. I say that video should be entered into evedence and this guy should be given 5-10 and have his gun rights stripped.
Exhibit A in the argument for comprehensive forced sterilization programs
That was fucked up.
you have to much time on your hands Mr. def hore
Gman should have my fight on google video by Weds.
I'll give you a call Tuesday after work
Ugh. That is just sad.
And just to show how low their ghetto IQ's are, they think someone who's knocked unconscious is "snoring" and asleep?
that dude outweighed both those asian guys combined...what a stud
"you have to much time on your hands Mr. def hore Gman should have my fight on google video by Weds. I'll give you a call Tuesday after work tapuout03 ttt "
Sounds good man. Sorry about your loss. If I know you, your already planning your rematch to kick his ass!
I know I have too much time, but this video is worth people seeing that haven't yet. What a p.o.s thug! He deserves the gas chamber. Also, lol @ sam pai for suggesting the run the brotha over approach! Thats exactly what I was thinking. I'm glad that guy got up and busted out that guys back window though! "hell nah ni**a, he hit the x5 son!"
Sad shit. Reminds of a video I saw on HBO many years ago of some huge ass black dude KO'ing some older gentelman for just walking right by him and then pissing on him. Fucking sick.
"ah... people pick the funniest places to park and the strangest times to be obstinate."
Exactly, that was not the time to go picking a fight with ten or more people. Pick your spot man.
^yeah, he should've just "backed that shit up"