Graciemag article on Leo Viera

Leozinho is the man, lets hope he and Marcelinho get that 3rd victory this weekend...

The strategic acrobat
Two-time ADCC champion, Léo Vieira celebrates the 20 years since he first took the winners’ stand and shares with the reader tips and ­experiences that helped him become a Jiu-Jitsu star.

The career path of Leonardo Alcântara Vieira, 30, always stood out for the unusual way he would go about his job. One example of this is the way he debuted at ADCC 2000 facing the giant Mark Kerr. But, even away from Abu Dhabi or the gym environment, Leozinho continues to surprise. Like the day he went fishing in Rio, with his brothers Leandro and Ricardinho. While the fishermen waited for fish to near them, Leo climbed onto Leandro’s back and they waded in until the taller brother was up to his mouth in the water. “We needed to get in deep with the torso out of the water to have leverage to throw the net out far,” he explains, as though it were a Jiu-Jitsu class, or the physiotherapy course he completed. “When I looked back, all the fishermen on the beach were copying us, wading into the water with another on the shoulders,” says the Brasa star.

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a bit redundant IMO.

Nice interview, but I have two questions.

From the article:

Wouldn’t André Galvão be the one to bet on?

André had a hard time in the 2005 qualifiers in a division that was not right for him. He competed in the under-77 kg division, but will now fight in the under-88 kg, at a weight in which he feels as strong as his adversaries, just faster. You have to feel comfortable at your weight. Besides him, there is Robert Drysdale, and Pablo Popovich in Miami, who is also with us, and really willing to win at ADCC 2007.

1. Is Galvao gonna fight -88 now? Or is that a mistake in the article?

2. Is Popovitch Brasa, i thought he belonged to ATT?

Mistake- Galvao is fighting in 76kg or under, or whatever lbs class Marcelo, Renzo, and Popovitch are in.

TTT for Leozinho

2. Is Popovitch Brasa, i thought he belonged to ATT

wierd, he trained with the MAchados as a kid, then with Carlson Team/ATT, didn't know he was tied to Brasa.

me neither. well well, we will find out in some days.

Leo is one of the best I've ever trained with!!