Great Fight clip KO

The fight is about 16 minutes long and has a great KOone clip is for dialup one for Broadband the third is a highlight clip I started playin withFIGHT broadbandFIGHT dialupHi Lite clipPlease give me feedback on the fight as I have a bunh up on my site and will be adding more over the course of the next couple monthsThanksPhil DunlapAdvanced Fighting

TTT for some exciting fights.

Pretty cool stuff. Your school is on Franklin TPK, right? Where is it in relation to Don Bosco or Kinchleys?

Cool, is that from Burma? Do they have professional training gyms like in Thailand? Also when are you going to get the instructionals done?=)

Hey Phil.

Good Hilite.


tjmitch about 1 mile North of Kinchleys we are 2 traffic lights North of Don Bosco It is a private residence next to the ambulance corp. I built a school onto the house.

Grundy it is from Burma, I have been so busy with work I have not really had the time for the instructionals