"Ancient Training Methods for Modern Day Gladiators"
By Zach Even-Esh
DVD & CD Set
Production Quality:
The production quality of this DVD and CD set is excellent! From camera angles to viewing quality and audio everything is top notch!
Content (By sections):
*Tire Dragging
*Truck Pushing
*Sandbag Training
*Log Carrying
*Tire Flipping
*Sledge Hammer work
*Ultimate Sandbag & Strength & Conditioning Drills
I am a big fan of Farmer/Strongman type training and have been using sandbags and odd objects for many years so this DVD piqued my interest. I have seen several productions involving this type of work before so I had something to gauge it against going in.
This DVD is very solid in its content and presentation! Zach does a fantastic job of both demonstrating the exercises and narrating over the footage. Each exercise is shown in action and not just a quick demonstration but hardcore working out! Zach also narrates over the footage and gives you insight on the exercises including performance adjustments, workouts, putting it all together, etc. These are NOT traditional methods of training but hardcore bust your ass workouts using non conventional tools and methods that when followed as shown will give you huge gains in both strength and muscle size. I know, it sounds like a commercial but seriously, this type of training is phenomenal for strength improvement!
My favorite section was the "Ultimate Sandbag & Strength & Conditioning Drills" as it is loaded with various exercises and programs. Just watching these guys workout is awe inspiring as Zach not only pushes his athletes hard but gets right in there and works out along side them. Watching these guys do the Tire Dragging work was crazy. The Tires themselves must weigh several hundred pounds and these guys were dragging them around like madmen.
I personally believe Combat Athletes should train in this way as it most reflects the manner in which they would utilize their skills (As supplemental training to their skill work). It's not simply pushing a Barbell straight up and then back down, it's using odd objects (which in itself is wonderful for utilizing and improving your stabilizer muscles, tendons, etc.) and moving them in many different ways including circular motions and twisting motions not often utilized in traditional Barbell work. Anyhow, if you're a Combat Athlete or fan of using Odd object lifting this DVD is for you!
The set also includes a nice CD interview with Zach that also sheds lots of light on Combat Athlete training including: Health, Fitness, Coaching athletes, Training specific to the Combat Athlete and tons more!
~ Bill Cogswell
Ordering and Product information can be found here: http://www.combatgrappler.com/
I got this DVD last week and love it which is why I thought I'd spread the word. If you're a fan of strongman type training you will like this DVD. :)
"OK for some reason my post did not show up."
I have had this problem too but I find if you log in first you'll be able to see your post.
And TTT for Zach!
Sounds like a cool DVD. Might have to get it.