Great strategy by Carlos

but he could still improve.

There were a couple times when he let Nick into striking distance, that obviously should be avoided next time.

Also, a couple times, Nick was able to grapple him. If he had greased a little bit then Nick wouldn't have been able to get his back at all.

Otherwise, great job avoiding a fight and coming out with a W.

 How does the guy avoiding the fight land more strikes? 

orcus -  How does the guy avoiding the fight land more strikes? 

The fight and point sparring are different... But i'll assume you're trolling and move on.

Weak troll is weak.

UG: No KO! Boo point fighting! Boo!

Jaybrone - <p>Weak troll is weak.</p>

Agreed. Orcus, you can do better next time.

Nick gimped on the last few leg strikes

Oh wait chasing Carlos made him gimpy

What are angles? This isn't boxing dammit! No fair COUNTERPUNCHING! Pride nevah die!!!

Yeah Nick took a lot of point strikes as he entered the pocket. Also agree about Nick's use of angles and his counter punches, they definitely put fear into Carlos, he almost tripped himself moving backwards.

But you're right, this isn't boxing, in boxing Nick would have gotten rounds for ring command.

Tweener - UG: No KO! Boo point fighting! Boo!

Good point. Point style karate, kung fu, and tae kwon do matches are MARTIAL ARTS, and this IS MIXED martial arts.

double post

When you tell a fighter "great strategy" instead of "great fight" after he's done, well...that says a lot.

I disagree.

I think he should've stayed backed up against the cage so Diaz could tee off on him with punches, and then Condit should've thrown wild haymakers afterwards.

Blaf Dynamite - I disagree.

I think he should've stayed backed up against the cage so Diaz could tee off on him with punches, and then Condit should've thrown wild haymakers afterwards.

It's really too bad this fight didn't happen in a ring.

But I can't really disagree with you, if it came to a test of skill in the pocket, Nick would tear him to pieces.

All the credit in the world goes to Condit for scoring the most points though.

Lol at diaz fans Phone Post

French Fries Malone - Lol at diaz fans <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>

Yeah they're a bit wild, tonight. It's like they expect to be watching Ultimate Tough Man Boxing competitions, it's really silly.

SO much skill goes into moving backward and laterally and then popping out a quick lead low kick and moving back again. Point fighting is an under appreciated art, and it's the next evolution of MMA.


holly9000 - <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

I love elfs but let's keep this on topic :) This is about Carlos's brilliant win tonight.