I'm thinking of trying out some greens powder.
Is there any consensus as to what the "best" brand is (in terms of ingredients) as I'm sure there must be more variance compared to the likes of creatine or protein powder etc
I'm thinking of greens plus
Do they all taste like shit?
I started a month ago and think it's worthwhile. Tastes bad but gets more tolerable.
Honestly, I have experimented with a wide array of concentrated green supplements over the years. What I've found is none of them are worth the money. A while ago I switched to just using real greens such as spinach, kale, collard & mustard greens etc. I blend these up in my smoothies instead of the various greens powders. They do not taste bad, they blend up well and I have noticed no loss of performance, well being etc. Most importantly, they are a lot cheaper then buying green powders.
I probably use spinach and kale the most. I will cram two cups of real greens into my blender along with some blueberries, flax seeds, almonds, etc...Yummy. If you need a bit more flavor, use some stevia.
I've tried:
Greens Plus - Nano Greens 10 - Green Phyto Foods - Shakeology - Emerald Balance -
My current practice is to just eat a varied diet whic has a wide array of green foods, fruts, etc represented. every month I eat fewer and fewer supplements.
Green supps are expensive but so are fresh veggie these days. fresh veggies may be even more expensive per serving.
I like CytoGreens and Fighter Diet greens. I still eat a ton of veggies though.
Dammit, Taku! Stop reading my mind!! I am the nutrition guy around here, stick to Versa Climbers threads <3 (beep?)
Anyways, besides what Takooooo said, my girlfriend takes Green Vibrance because it's truly the best but it's about 40 bucks for 30 days worth, not so much and convenient if you can't make green shakes or juice every day (which she can't, high paced fashion designer job) and her iridologist recommended it.
I've tried that stuff and I just don't feel the same as drinking a kale/spinach/cucumber shake...it COULD be because of the fiber in a shake versus the condensed greens' goodies in the powders, though.
You haven't said if it is a convenience thing or what but honestly, give it a try if you're that curious :)
Hey AKO,
I've got a little experience with the nutrition stuff myself.
hahaha I know. I was just pulling your leg a bit!
I just ordered some to give it a try - I work in financial services so can't really be blending/juicing during the day.
Thanks for feedback
you can always thermos it with you :)
I am a HUGE advocate of Green Magma (barley grass pills).
I take them every morning and have seen incredible results. My energy level is thru the roof, back acne went away, athletes foot went away, I have no body odor (due to detoxing abilities of GM), my digestion very regular, and my skin is vibrant.
This supplement is not expensive IMO and well worth the cost. This is such a good overall health/wellness supplement everyone can benefit from it. Not to mention it's loaded with vitamins and minerals.
Tried my first glass of greens plus - is the spawn of the devil. Tastes what I imagine a stagnant pool of mossy water to be like.
Added some berries and blended it to make it just about bearable - being healthy is tough work...
no one said it tastes "good" per se but it will definitely make you feel better than a "delicious" coke. :)
I agree with Taku, I've tried a few of these superfood powders and they didn't make any noticeable difference. Even if they are cheaper than fresh fruit and veg per serving, your body most likely pisses most if it away and you don't get the benefits of actually eating it and feeling satisfied.