Grove/Rivera betting lines

Kendall Grove is -500 Jorge Rivera is +300???

am I the only one that thinks this fight is much closer than this. Grove aint A-list(imo) and Rivera on his game is HARD to deal with.

Maybe they give KenGrove an extra (-200) points for height

(bodog numbers btw)

I think it's a closer fight than that. I might put some $$$$ on Jorge.

I think that's a very warped line. Maybe Rivera's last performance is swaying it?

"I might put some $$$$ on Jorge."

Me too.

Me Three( If I gambled). Gor JORGE!!!!!!

i do gamble and will be on this fight. great odds

Go Jorge!

I've got Grove winning, but I would've expected the line to be alot closer.

ttt for jorge!

this is my line on this fight............Who THE FUCK CARES?

? when is this ?

19th i think

I like Jorge too but Grove really has too much too lose. Take down RNC in under 2 minutes

I'm in. Go Jorge.

i might have to open a bodog account for this.

I love Jorge and will always cheer for him.

you guys must all be from Massachusetts or something.

I love kendall at 7 am

good call for you guys