gsp on showtime! (great dancer)

sadly I know all these songs.

blue namer help me out.

RICKYB - blue namer help me out.


 GSP just looks like he is having a fun time. Good for him.

Looks like a gay old time.

i love GSP but this vid makes me worry about how seriously hes taking Kos,going to a 3rd world country and going on grown up double dare? na what the hell am i thinking,its Kos!

seriously,is he there for training or what? the phillipines? seems like a weird place for him to be doing any promoting

 Don't blame GSP, I am sure his manager Shari Spencer put him up to this.  GSP did look like he was having fun and sure he'll beat Kos. 

 Haha, Filipinos love dancing.

Ricky B Is my name also!!!! Please tell me your not a Ginger? Phone Post

What the...

explain the purpose of this show??

lol at the possibility of GSP taking Kos lightly

any show that starts off with a cut from Debbie Gibson is ok in my book

Those people sure know how to party...

MBen - Those people sure know how to party...

Pinoys sure knows how to party...that fag is flirty with GSP

Hilarious video! Some gifs, please...