GSP Was Never My Friend
Posted on OCTOBER 20, 2016
Now hold on, I know you’re thinking “GS-who?” So for those of you who just started watching UFC in the last 3 years, and obviously have no idea who I’m talking about..let me reintroduce you to GSP.
Georges “Rush” St-Pierre is the original good guy champion of the UFC. In a world where everyone has some skeletons in their closet, or some yin to their yang, GSP has none. He is, was, and always will be the most humble, liked, and respected champion of all time. He has been kicking ass and taking names in the UFC since you were still an itch in your dad’s sack. GSP is the only martial arts superstar to ever come out of Canada, and he carries an entire nation of pay per view buyers on his shoulders every time he headlines a card. He made it cool to be humble, and is one of the few shining examples of a true martial artist left in MMA today. Oh yeah, and he has been completely disrespected and left out to dry by the boss of the company he works for.
Just incase you think I’m being dramatic, let me enlighten you to the kind of praise GSP has drawn from his boss, the latest cover model of “Men’s Health”, Dana White. At the press conference after his last fight at UFC 167 in 2013, a very closely contested back and forth battle that saw pre-USADA Johny Hendricks do almost but not quite enough to take the belt from GSP, Dana completely trashed him. He said he thought Hendricks won the fight and deserved a rematch, and that the judges were incompetent. He also tried to have GSP barred from the press conference, so he could tell everyone that Georges went to the hospital while Johny was unscathed. And if that’s not bad enough, he had his goons snatch GSP’s belt from him while he was showering after the fight. Complete bitchery.
Understandably, Georges retired after this, stating he needed some time off after completely owning the deepest division in the UFC for nearly a decade, my words not his. In the years to follow, Dana White’s downhill spiral of irrational ego driven behavior has continued, and will soon require an entire article of its own. While GSP has been using his three years off to get swole, do gymnastics and search for dinosaur bones, White has continued on as the figure-head of the UFC. Beloved UFC employees like Stitch Duran and Burt Watson have been cut left and right as a result of conflicts with White, and for all we know it was Dana himself who dropped that pipe on Burt’s head in Mexico City.
Fast forward to June 2016, GSP appeared on “The MMA Hour” to alert fans he was back and looking for revenge, all summer sixteen. His body had made a full recovery from 10 years of mollywopping the best welterweights in the world, and he was ready to add a couple more heads to his collection. Maybe Robbie Lawler’s, the guy who took GSP’s vacated belt from Hendricks and ran with it. Putting on some of the best fights we’ve ever seen in the UFC, and possibly permanently ruining the career of GSP’s long time protegé Rory Macdonald in the process. Or maybe Tyron Woodley’s. The newly crowned welterweight champ who called out GSP after whining his way into a title shot with Lawler and taking advantage of the damage Robbie had taken in his last 4 title fights, knocking the Ruthless one out cold in the first round. Or maybe even Micheal Bisping’s, the newly crowned wonk-eyed Middleweight champion who was interested in a money fight with Canada’s golden boy. Whoever he decided to make an example of first, it was sure to be a sellout.
Dana White however, still salty at GSP for not committing Haru-Kiru after his dishonorable win over Hendricks, wasn’t buying it. When GSP said he was going to do a test camp, to see if his body could still handle the rigors of training 8 weeks in a row, Dana called BS. “You don’t need a test camp to see if you want to fight.” White commented, “You should know if you have that fire or not.” Then, when GSP began talks to restructure his contract or somehow supplement the dent in his payday that the recently implemented and famously mocked Reebok deal would cause him, Dana insisted this was because GSP didn’t really want to fight anymore. “I know guys that want to fight, and Georges isn’t one of them.” he stated.
Rather than work things out over a BJJ match, the way his former partners Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta used to do, Dana chose to ice GSP, leaving him in the dark to wither away until he finally caved and decided to fight for peanuts. GSP of course said “Nah.”, and hired the best lawyer in all of Canada to stomp on Dana’s nuts. His lawyer gave the UFC a deadline to offer him a fight, which they didn’t, and now here we are. Last Monday Georges reappeared on the MMA hour to announce that he was now a free agent, plunging a knife into the heart of every true MMA fan in the world. Dana has since come out and claimed that the fans have forgotten about GSP in the past three years, and that they would have to spend too much money reintroducing him to the masses anyway. The UFC has just put out a statement claiming that Georges is still under contract and is obligated to honor that.
Honor, ironic choice of words isn’t it? Honor is GSP still continuing to praise Dana White as the best MMA promoter in the world despite being publicly humiliated by him and thrown under the bus. Honor is remaining a stoic professional in a maddening situation like this. When Dana goes low, GSP goes high. That’s honor. So to Dana and the UFC, before you expect Georges to honor anything, how about you show some yourselves. Stop bullying the most honorable champion to ever step foot in the octagon. Stop telling the world he’s lost his fire. And most importantly, stop expecting him to fight for Reebok money on an outdated contract. Because Dana, as you would say…that’s fucking illegal.
I think speak for the fans when I say, we haven’t forgotten you Georges. Never have, never will. And GSP promotions sounds like a hell of a way to spend 60 bucks, my friend.
- Georges starts the whole USADA era and ends most of the PED use (as seen in some 'deflated' fighters now).
2. Georges gets a winning lawyer in these tings and is astounded by the unlawful "slave" contract.
3. ????
4. Georges ends the shitty fighter contract era, leading to a fighters' union?
Well, you make it sound so one sided. But having followed this, I'd say you're dead on LOL Except for GSP having no dark secrets. He has his dark place, like any other human being. Dark place.
I really wonder where this seemingly personal dislike by Dana comes from though!
Sprawl'n'Stall - Well, you make it sound so one sided. But having followed this, I'd say you're dead on LOL Except for GSP having no dark secrets. He has his dark place, like any other human being. Dark place.
I really wonder where this seemingly personal dislike by Dana comes from though!
I'd imagine Dana is pissed at Georges for essentially forcing them to clean up the sport. USADA isn't cheap, the UFC is paying a lot for that. Also, some of their top talent and superstars are either getting caught or cleaning up and performing less impressively.
Not only that, GSP didn't 'clear' his octagon retirement speech with Dana (GSP being their cash cow at that time) which is obvious by Dana's crazy trashing of Georges at that post-presser, saying he wasn't retiring, trashing on him while saying he wasn't there because he was at the hospital - only to then have Georges walk in and Dana trying to immediately backtrack on some of the shit he had just been saying. Then Georges - way later - says in an interview that backstage they were trying to keep him from attending the post presser.
Dana was pissed. And he still is.
Gsp is over rated anyways
Would we celebrate a kid for being the smartest kid on the short bus? No, then why so proud of Gsp for being the best martial artist to come out of canada?
GSP hurt my feelings at UFC 94.
But the UFC is stupid as fuck on this one. They're two injuries away (Conor and Ronda) from having zero ppv drawing power. Sign GSP already.
J_Liz3 - Gsp is over rated anyways
LOL, okay ...
Thanks for putting in the time OP. You nailed it.
Pay him....Pay that man his money
J_Liz3 - Gsp is over rated anywaysFook you

J_Liz3 - Would we celebrate a kid for being the smartest kid on the short bus? No, then why so proud of Gsp for being the best martial artist to come out of canada?
Because he prison raped every fighter if any nationality they put in front of him, troll
NEWSFLASH -Sprawl'n'Stall - Well, you make it sound so one sided. But having followed this, I'd say you're dead on LOL Except for GSP having no dark secrets. He has his dark place, like any other human being. Dark place.
I really wonder where this seemingly personal dislike by Dana comes from though!
I'd imagine Dana is pissed at Georges for essentially forcing them to clean up the sport. USADA isn't cheap, the UFC is paying a lot for that. Also, some of their top talent and superstars are either getting caught or cleaning up and performing less impressively.
Not only that, GSP didn't 'clear' his octagon retirement speech with Dana (GSP being their cash cow at that time) which is obvious by Dana's crazy trashing of Georges at that post-presser, saying he wasn't retiring, trashing on him while saying he wasn't there because he was at the hospital - only to then have Georges walk in and Dana trying to immediately backtrack on some of the shit he had just been saying. Then Georges - way later - says in an interview that backstage they were trying to keep him from attending the post presser.
Dana was pissed. And he still is.
Dana was pissed at GSP even way earlier
As for the USADA thing, I hardly think GSP is to credit (or blame depending on your POV) to that extent!
From what I understand it's all about how much GSP's gonna make and Dana wants that number to be small. But did Dana believe that he could manipulate GSP by trashing the guy? Dana's smart enough to know that GSP is smart enough to see right through that move.
Also, do you guys think that the situation has passed the point of no return? Would Dana not pay Georges even if it means not making money, just so that he comes out of this as the winner? Like he did with Conor at 200?
Rabid Bunyip -Big Rig?J_Liz3 - Would we celebrate a kid for being the smartest kid on the short bus? No, then why so proud of Gsp for being the best martial artist to come out of canada?Because he prison raped every fighter if any nationality they put in front of him, troll

J_Liz3 -Rabid Bunyip -Big Rig?J_Liz3 - Would we celebrate a kid for being the smartest kid on the short bus? No, then why so proud of Gsp for being the best martial artist to come out of canada?Because he prison raped every fighter if any nationality they put in front of him, troll
GSP smashed enough Americans to make the statement true
NEWSFLASH -Sprawl'n'Stall - Well, you make it sound so one sided. But having followed this, I'd say you're dead on LOL Except for GSP having no dark secrets. He has his dark place, like any other human being. Dark place.
I really wonder where this seemingly personal dislike by Dana comes from though!
I'd imagine Dana is pissed at Georges for essentially forcing them to clean up the sport. USADA isn't cheap, the UFC is paying a lot for that. Also, some of their top talent and superstars are either getting caught or cleaning up and performing less impressively.
Not only that, GSP didn't 'clear' his octagon retirement speech with Dana (GSP being their cash cow at that time) which is obvious by Dana's crazy trashing of Georges at that post-presser, saying he wasn't retiring, trashing on him while saying he wasn't there because he was at the hospital - only to then have Georges walk in and Dana trying to immediately backtrack on some of the shit he had just been saying. Then Georges - way later - says in an interview that backstage they were trying to keep him from attending the post presser.
Dana was pissed. And he still is.
try stopping a pissed off multi world champ from entering a presser, lol