mmaice - He has been fighting stronger and stronger opponents and has pretty much cleaned out the welterweights prospects in the UK imo. Only one left for him there are Paul Daley and Dan Hardy. Others UK ww are far behind Gunnar imo.
Hathaway would be a heavy favourite against Nelson. Jim Wallhead is another brit WW that would have a solid shot against Nelson.
He fights at 170lbs but weighs in at 168lbs with his clothes on, I dont know why he fights at 170lbs but im not complaining, really interesting fighter. I dont think Gunner will sign for UFC because he loves grappeling to much.
U mean like from the band Nelson? I could always tell he'd make a sharp welterweight.
kid chaos - He fights at 170lbs but weighs in at 168lbs with his clothes on, I dont know why he fights at 170lbs but im not complaining, really interesting fighter. I dont think Gunner will sign for UFC because he loves grappeling to much.
prolly because he doesn't like cutting weight, like Sexyama, Edgar, I heard Kid doesn't cut much weight, BJ Penn. ETC
ttt for Gunnar.
Gunnar is a special talent. I think he and Brandon Bender are two of the most promising fighters in the world who aren't in the big show yet. Brandon is more MMA oriented and Gunnar is a monster in sport as well, but both are jiu-jitsu machines. It's going to be great to see how good the fighters will be in the future.