Guys who use academy as dating pool.


Nada MT - 

It's going to happen.
Perhaps speak to the senior woman at the club and ask her thoughts on the subject?
If there was a guy going through the white belts we would probably give the new girls a heads up in the change room. "Hey look out for that guy he likes to rack up the numbers". Feel free to come to us if you feel he is out of line.
If a new girl mentioned it to us we would flat out tell him to lay off.
If he tries and strikes out no harm no foul and we have one more girl to add to our growing numbers.
Honestly once you get 5 or more of us we pretty much take care of each other in these kinds of situations.
However flirtling while rolling is not ever acceptable. Take care of that right away. Its just creepy. Phone Post

Really creepy, I have had to put a few women in their place for inappropriate flirting with me while rolling.

There are some famous instructors I would not be sending my female students to again.. Phone Post 3.0

LEMon - There are some famous instructors I would not be sending my female students to again.. Phone Post 3.0
Story or GTFO Phone Post 3.0

Lol oz in person maybe Phone Post 3.0

LEMon - There are some famous instructors I would not be sending my female students to again.. Phone Post 3.0
Please say kyra Phone Post 3.0

Lets me just say that I would be recommending certain instructors for females . Unless of course they like being setup on dates, invited to have hot tubs with head instructors, and constantly bombarded with requests for going out with junior students. Phone Post 3.0

Lol Kyra Phone Post 3.0

whats caique's policy?

Sub Phone Post

We only have one real female student where I train and she's a zero drama Brown Belt. She's great. Then we have a whitebelt "pseudo-student" who has created as much drama as a woman can create. She's as bad as it gets. I can't openly talk about it, but the second I saw her, I just KNEW she was going to be trouble and boy was I right.

The other two "serious" women students we've had in the last few years: one was awesome blackbelt, who left in part due to the drama created by the succubus whitebelt and the other came in with her boyfriend, dumped him and started dating another student in class, Then someone else in class had a crush on her and hit on her and the new BF got pissed, etc. She was nice, but she was a distraction.

I've had guys say to me that they LIKE not having any, or very few, women in the dojo. I personally wouldn't say that, but I can understand that point of view.

TTT for more stories about shen's succubus. Phone Post 3.0

BTW, as some here may know, the missus and I are members of "Swingers International" and occasionally I have very respectfully slipped a note to an attractive new student or parent to inquire if she would possibly be interested in coming to the Shen's annual "Sin-co De Mayo Jacuzzi Party" or perhaps our "Freaky in the Manger XXX-Mas Party"... but that is ALWAYS done quietly with the utmost respect and decorum. Always.

I've been at a gym run by swingers. They banged their way through most of the new girls. Phone Post 3.0

Im gonna be the devils advocate and say that some women some times need a stern talking to as well.

You dont need fifteen layers of makeup to go to jiu-jitsu. Nor is flirting with every guy you roll with very proper either. Some women go to a few trial classes to meet guys. Its fairly obvious they are attracted to athletes and will do their best to sexify their way through every class.

This kind usually doesnt stay long, but cause all kinds of problems while they are there. Phone Post

LEMon - Lol oz in person maybe Phone Post 3.0
Fb the details... Phone Post 3.0

checkuroil - I've been at a gym run by swingers. They banged their way through most of the new girls. Phone Post 3.0

I should have known you would have some input on douchey gym behavior. I feel like if your stories are any indication that you have seen it all throughout your BJJ journey. lol! Yaaaaaay! Phone Post

1st world BJJ problem

I train with all men and 1 female every now and then. Phone Post 3.0

Make your students only date their own gender.

I've never run an academy, but if I did I've always thought I would have a way of setting out various policies and getting new students to agree.

Everything from keeping your gi clean to a dating policy, all on the website and probably in a handout of info new guys sign when they start.

I'd have a "no dating" policy, and I'd explain why in the materials--it can distract students in class, create awkwardness, and runs the risk of driving students away when relationships don't work or when jealousy becomes an issue. I'd also say expressly that there is, in fact, no punishment for violating this policy but (1) students who violate it should know that they are jeopardizing the harmony of the school and their teammates, and that bothers me on a personal and professional level, and (2) I reserve the right to ask anyone to leave on the basis of disruption, which could include issues created by romantic entanglements.

So if you are a class Casanova, you know right up front that I'm not in favor of it and that it may ultimately get you booted.

The result would be that if I get word somebody is dating, they get disapproving glances from me and maybe a talk. If a guy or girl is serially romancing and causing multiple issues, I kick them out.

I think that's about the most you can do. Phone Post 3.0