GYM DOUCHE! Funny As Fuck Prank

This dude is fucking hilarious. He's got a series of Gym Douche videos that are the fucking bomb. 



Funny as fuck? Nah

wtf, that wasn’t even remotely funny

i cringe too hard.  makes me uncomfortable

Aussie Shaun -

absolutely pathetic. embarrasing.

go volunteer at an abandaned dog shelter or something worthwile.

this is one of the most weak loads of shit that has ever been posted online, shame on you OP you worthless cunt.

I'm vegan and have a cat from an animal shelter....bitch

It’s interesting to see the “just for the lulz” assholelish part of the internet is bleeding out into the real world now. I guess it was just a matter of time.

It might be funny if he wasn't playing a characicture of every gym meme combined into one over the top really obnoxious guy.  Its like he's trying to be that dom guy, but without the ability to pull it off or be creative. Its just annoying without any humor.

Not funny at all actually 

Wasting peoples time.

This is what kids find funny these days, it's such a shame. Op is an under 25 Yr old cunt. Burn in hell. 

haha I’ll laugh

Internet prank videos are made by idiots, for idiots.

OP is an idiot.

That’s best fing I ever did see

I tried to laugh, it just wasn't happing.

Guess I’m an idiot, I laughed at the push ups and grunts on the stretching mat. I stopped watching after the insult of the guy on the leg extensions though.

fuck cardio,fuck legs,fuck bitches.

Balls, though. He'll get beat up soon if he continues in his ways....

OP’s channel?