Hachiko - A Dog's Tale = Awesome Emotional Movie

This is my new favorite dog movie. My girlfriend brought it home one day and I had never heard of the movie. She had her kleenix box ready and half an hour into the movie tears started welling in her eyes and later it was one long cry session.

Since my dad was in K9 for some of his police years, I raised and worked with dogs for most of my life. The movie made me cry and if you are a dog lover and or just need to get your woman to cry for a bit. Watch it.

^^^^^ WARNING ^^^^^^

If you love dogs you got to watch it.


oh snap :(

If you have kids, its best for 5 and above. Other children who are younger can't stop crying or are emotionally ready to watch it.

My mom says its the saddest dog movie she has ever seen.

You have to have kleenex ready when you watch it too. I'm serious.

My friend's daughter is a tough 11 year old Kalihi kid. I warned him but he said she rarely if ever cried. He told me she was crying for most of the movie and in the morning the next day at breakfast. She went through a whole box in one night, crying herself to sleep.

Hell, I was barely ready for the emotional roller coaster. The youtube video is enough to get my eyes watery.

Check Hachiko videos on youtube and read the comments. See for yourself.

Just saw this video with Leona Lewis song "Run"

Searched it and found almost every review online of the story to be 9-10/10. LOL, guess I gotta go rent it for the fam and put my "hard azz" to the test!?


i think most dogs nowadays think their masters are faggots. like chihuahua owners.

LOL I have this sudden urge to skin those things for the hell of it, whenever idiots come around me with those lil babied up wastes of flesh...

Can't wait for FC's dog to get big!

FCTV808 - i think most dogs nowadays think their masters are faggots. like chihuahua owners.


lol! mrsbjjtek cannot be faggot as she is female.

i read about this dog awhile ago. fucking amazing story.
on a side note the most loyal dog i ever owned was a bully like the one FCTV just got. i literally cant get another one because her. she was the best dog ever super loyal almost to a fault that she would go with you anywhere and do whatever she was told. putting that dog down was THE hardest shit i ever did. i love that dog

wassup fishscale. you still training?

fishscale - i read about this dog awhile ago. fucking amazing story.
on a side note the most loyal dog i ever owned was a bully like the one FCTV just got. i literally cant get another one because her. she was the best dog ever super loyal almost to a fault that she would go with you anywhere and do whatever she was told. putting that dog down was THE hardest shit i ever did. i love that dog

Watch the movie and tell me what you think.

katsumoto68 - Searched it and found almost every review online of the story to be 9-10/10. LOL, guess I gotta go rent it for the fam and put my "hard azz" to the test!?

Its ok to cry for this one. One movie reviewer said he could not stand Marley and Me and did not feel bad when Marley died and yet, he was crying buckets for this one. What was wrong with him?

I'd be surprised if someone at least did not feel like crying.

Here are some comments lifted off of a youtube "Hachiko" video:

4 days ago

I did not cried so much like i did in this movie .__. So saaaaaaad? cry

1 week ago

i always cry whenever? i watch this movie my fav movie

2 weeks ago

I looove this movie!
so emotional.. it made me cry
this left me speechless.. <3
one of the best movies? I have ever seen

1 month ago

the movie made me? cry 10 times :c
Thanks for posting(:

1 month ago 17

i like? this movie i cried cried and cried..... love u hachi

1 month ago 7

I don't have any words to say about this movie...Just Perfect, a masterpiece...A very strong movie? with messages to all of us, from a dog...!!

2 hours ago

OMG this movie is my favorite, I looove it! and yes, it is? the most heartbreaking film of ALL TIME!

Anybody watch it and have anything to add?

 Mapu Sisoa is apparently dropping this movie off for me to watch later today. After watching 20 seconds of that preview, I'm pretty sure I am going to be a wreck. When I watched UP, I almost threw up. I can guarantee that I will bawl AND vomit watching this. 

My lip quivered a few times during the movie, then I dry heaved twice trying to hold back tears, then the last 10 minutes or so were a fucking tear and snot fest. I'm surprised I handled my shit for as long as I did. 

meatrokket - My lip quivered a few times during the movie, then I dry heaved twice trying to hold back tears, then the last 10 minutes or so were a fucking tear and snot fest. I'm surprised I handled my shit for as long as I did. 

Now try and watch the videos posted in this thread and hold it together. Its tough man.

Anybody not feeling a tear or at least teary eye'd has problems other than the ones that tear and cry I say.