Hand grips?

Do any of you use handgrips to improve your grip
strength? How effecitve do you find them? When
using them how long would you hold them colsed
together? Would holding them tightly together for
extended periods be good to replicate how you would
hold a gi, somebodys wrist etc?

There is a web site whee you can get 100lbs they google

google "Captains of Crush". They got grippers up to 360 lb.

yea coc's are the shit

Cheers will check that out. But what is the most
effective way to use them? continuous reps? holding
them like you would somebodys gi or wrist?

good overview of grip training:


On a related note, what is the strength/poundage of a typical cheap hand gripper that most of us have lying around somewhere? And how would you progress from something like that to a COC gripper for example?

Fiat, from a CoC article I read, the average hand gripper you'd buy at K-Mart or so is about 40-50 lb. CoC makes theirs in a progression line, going from 60 lb to 360. They reccommend that those who already have some strength start at at least their 100 lb level. Now, if you've been grappling, you can easily do 100 lb most likely, so you'd want to start there. Check out their website, some really cool shit on there.
