okay so i have this friend who tells me he hangs out with some blood gangster wanna bee's one of them told my buddy mike that his hands are registered as deadly weapons im pretty sure that that is a bullshit myth that is tagged to martial arts. is their anyone on here that can confirm that by the way i have been training for 2 years and this kid wants to box me im totally down
cmon guys i need some help here
Complete clown, and you should completely clown him! In other words,
call his bluff.
On another note, it has been noted by Judges that in an assault case, if
an individual is well versed in the arts, the sentence may be stiffer due
to ones lack of discipline regarding such arts, should the case go that
yea i here you on that one. my buddy told me he was like 5 foot 6 and im 6'5 so im not worried ill just jab the piss out of him and work right hands. i cant stand people who lie like that next thing hell tell me is that he is a black belt in muay thai
yeah, realistically, a judge will probably look with more severity on a person who is much more capable of doing damage on another, whether its because he was much bigger, younger, or well versed in the arts.
but in general, a lethal weapon must be something that you can atleast leave at home, and didnt need to be carrying around. i.e. if a guy is working on his car and gets attacked and he happened to have a wrench in his hand at the time its different than carrying a wrench to the bars cause the boys might get rowdy.
I cant imagine a scenario where you leave your hands at home.