Has anyone ever left the UFC at their peak?

Randy answers your question dipshit. If not, you should've inserted "to fight in another promo" at the end of your question. if you don't realize that, you're an idiot.

1BL0Wko - Randy answers your question dipshit. If not, you should've inserted "to fight in another promo" at the end of your question. if you don't realize that, you're an idiot.

 like i said before, i didn't realize the level of retardation on the UG.  I knew it always existed, but I didn't think it was to this degree.  I'm sorry your reading comprehension is below my standards.


i guess everybody who read your question and thought of Randy is a retard. Cheers to us UG retards!!! lol

1BL0Wko - i guess everybody who read your question and thought of Randy is a retard. Cheers to us UG retards!!! lol

 not all, but many.

1BL0Wko - i guess everybody who read your question and thought of Randy is a retard. Cheers to us UG retards!!! lol

 Weren't you paying attention?  He said no fighters whose names rhyme with "Dandy" allowed!

Mad Xyientist - 
B_Goetz - 
CaptainPlanet -
Mad Xyientist - "Arlovski was part of the weakest HW division in the world. Is the question really that complicated?"

Apparently the question IS that complicated, because an exception for "weakest HW division in the world" was not in the question, yet when you're given a valid answer, you decide it doesn't count for some reason you make up.

This is like playing "Uno" with my 5 year old nephew.

Picking one part of my statement to make yourself sound right is beyond stupid. If you want to get into an Arlovski debate, he was no longer a marquee player in the HW division. He may be young, and talented, but he was no longer a top contender in the UFC HW with Couture, Nog, Mir, Lesnar, and Sylvia while he was still there. He had no bargaining power what so ever when he left.

That's not true. Dana White was expressing remorse and trying to re-establish negotiations at the time AA left the UFC.
Well then it doesn't count because he has a beard!  CaptainPlanet was clearly talking about non-bearded fighters only!


BJ Penn shouldn't count either. he's a Scorpio. it's implied in the question that the fighter cannot have a beard or be born a scorpio. sorry capt, you gotta edit that shit homie. haha

 Also he has both of his arms. No fighters with 2 arms please.

LMAO... good one

BJ Penn, Josh Barnett...just to name a couple.

on the real though, your argument why Randy doesn't count is pretty sorry. b/c he never went to fight in another promo?? what about the fact that he attempted to fight in other promo and exhausted all his legal options to make it happen and failed. he was still at his peak and left the UFC to make money elsewhere.

goddamn were you this stubborn when you found out the truth about Santa and the easter bunny? wait, you do know the truth right?

Lol at the "Fail" pics.

I was going to say Frank.

shanoknowsmma - BJ Penn, Josh Barnett...just to name a couple.

 Both left the UFC's economic burst, and Barnett was forced out, also before said burst.



I like how the question gets changed after there is an answer. Randy was at his peak and left. BJ was at his peak in 2004 (when TUF debuted) and left after walking through the most dominant champion the UFC had.


Sorry Captain I am having a hard time following your question also. In you orignal post you ask if anyone left the UFC while in their prime while the UFC was "the hottest promo in the US". The UFC has always been the hottest promo in the US so the answer would be any fighter who left in their prime which several people answered.

Someone mentions Randy but sat since Randy didn't fight elsewhere he didn't actually leave.

You then amended the question and started talking about PRIDE. PRIDE was nevr a hotter promo in the US than the UFC. When someone pointed it out, you argue but you believe PRIDE was a better promo and had more money.

You amend the question again to be after the start of TUF and someone says Arlovski and you say he was part of a weak HW division. But then turn around and list a group of fighters including Randy (who was gone by the time AA left) but use the list to show depth at HW and claim AA didn't have bargaining power.

I stopped reading on the 2nd page of comments so the question may have changed again.

If you form the question with all the exceptions you don't want I will be happy to try and answer.

"Sorry Captain I am having a hard time following your question also" It's because he is: A) A fucking moron. or B) Too stupid to ask the question he really wants the answer to. It's not like a big name guy in the peak of his career can sneak out the back door. The answers are all over this thread. There is no superstar who left the UFC in the last few years at the height of popularity that has not been listed on this thread. The guy is either a troll or a super fucking retard.

phil miller

and many pride defectors like kerr, etc.