Has anyone ever taken their son...

to a UFC event? Mine is 6 and wants to go... In curious what others experience was... Biggest concern is him being entertained for 8 hours.. I've been to 5 and love it just not sure he will Phone Post 3.0

dhughes - Tell him you'll take him but only if he behaves himself. Otherwise you'll never take him anywhere ever again, will leave Mommy, and won't love him any more. Phone Post 3.0

So after all that does happen, he will blame himself even if he behaves.....fuck it that sounds like a plan.

Have you done a test run with a PPV at home?


You could go late and skip the first few early fights I guess.


I don't have kids so bit hard to gauge how old 6 is for me but seems like a long haul for a little fella.


What about a local event first?

ThatsHowIRoll -

Have you done a test run with a PPV at home?


You could go late and skip the first few early fights I guess.


I don't have kids so bit hard to gauge how old 6 is for me but seems like a long haul for a little fella.


What about a local event first?

This. Maybe a small show first. I have a 3 year old so it's a little different but, he won't sit still for anything. It would be awful for you guys to go through the trouble and not enjoy the show. Phone Post 3.0

I won a couple tickets to the Nick Diaz/KJ Noons rematch Strikeforce in October of 2010. Took my son, he was 12 and hadn't been too interested in MMA. Our seats were up in the noseblled section, but he had a blast. We could see the fights better on the monitor, but he got into the fight being right there live in a way that he never had with TV viewing. Ever since he's been more interested in MMA matches, though he'll never be the fanatic I am.

It can get late on ppv cards. I suggest a fight night usually end around 1130-12 Phone Post 3.0

6 is too young to go for 8 hours.  You will regret it.,

Took my son to a local mma event. My friend is an wmma ammy fighter. My son loved it but he had been wrestling for about 6 yrs or so so it made sense to him. I think he was 11 or 12 at the time Phone Post 3.0

ThatsHowIRoll - 

Have you done a test run with a PPV at home?


You could go late and skip the first few early fights I guess.


I don't have kids so bit hard to gauge how old 6 is for me but seems like a long haul for a little fella.


What about a local event first?

Local event is a GREAT idea. The smaller shows tend to be a lot more intimate anyhow, better view. A lot of the kickboxing shows I've been to, you can get a front row ticket for $25 or a booth for <$100.

Racer X -

I won a couple tickets to the Nick Diaz/KJ Noons rematch Strikeforce in October of 2010. Took my son, he was 12 and hadn't been too interested in MMA. Our seats were up in the noseblled section, but he had a blast. We could see the fights better on the monitor, but he got into the fight being right there live in a way that he never had with TV viewing. Ever since he's been more interested in MMA matches, though he'll never be the fanatic I am.

Well its the FOX Chicago card so itll be over around 11... He went to the weigh ins last year was so excited and in awe to see the people in person that he saw on TV... He was 5 then... It is a gamble but damn he's the one pushing it I'm just reluctant cause I'm gonna spend the money for good seats...  Phone Post 3.0

jgiveshead -
ThatsHowIRoll - 

Have you done a test run with a PPV at home?


You could go late and skip the first few early fights I guess.


I don't have kids so bit hard to gauge how old 6 is for me but seems like a long haul for a little fella.


What about a local event first?

Local event is a GREAT idea. The smaller shows tend to be a lot more intimate anyhow, better view. A lot of the kickboxing shows I've been to, you can get a front row ticket for $25 or a booth for <$100.
At least where Im from (Edmonton), the small shows would NOT be good for a little kid. 90% of the crowd is wankster ass faggots that gotta look hard as fuck to their friends and try to fight everyone because they think they're MMA fighters. Not somewhere I would want to take my son. Phone Post 3.0

Only thing I'd worry about are the jerkoffs that are too drunk for their own good. But. Sadly you have that at almost every live event. Phone Post 3.0

extnct1 - to a UFC event? Mine is 6 and wants to go... In curious what others experience was... Biggest concern is him being entertained for 8 hours.. I've been to 5 and love it just not sure he will Phone Post 3.0
I took my son to 145 in Atlanta. He was 7 at the time. He loved it but got sleepy towards the end Phone Post 3.0

Bliz - Only thing I'd worry about are the jerkoffs that are too drunk for their own good. But. Sadly you have that at almost every live event. Phone Post 3.0

This is usually me, and I apologize.

I went with a friend who brought his son to a strikeforce event, I believe he was right around 7 or 8 and he loved it. Phone Post 3.0