I use bang butter on my penus before I butt her and she likes it better
I tried to buy some but every time I got close he sent me to the back of the line :(
As a spread or as a lubricant?
Dreville79 - As a spread or as a lubricant?
Everytime Faber talked about it I got a funny image in my head of Bang selling it at the front.
elcornjr -time traveling 12er - He was being sponsored by a peanut butter company and got free peanut butter, which he tried to sell at the gym.Haha if that's true that is the funniest shit I've ever heard.
The sponsor must have been like, "Damn, this guy eats a lot of peanut butter."
MountainMedic - It actually makes terrible lubeDid you use the smooth?
So I've been told
The chunky is for the BDSM crowd.

cdmontgo -elcornjr -time traveling 12er - He was being sponsored by a peanut butter company and got free peanut butter, which he tried to sell at the gym.Haha if that's true that is the funniest shit I've ever heard.
The sponsor must have been like, "Damn, this guy eats a lot of peanut butter."
D241 -Hahaha VTFU
It taste great, but it isn't as sticky as most other brands.
Usually it takes my dog 15-20 minutes to lick 2-3 scoops of peanut butter off my nuts, but when I use Duane Ludwig's peanut butter, it only takes him 7-10 minutes tops.
Maybe it just taste so good he eats it up faster?

Selling Bang Butter to those kids at TAM is crossing the line.
Can someone put bang and alpha male on this pic
MAINMAYNARD - Can someone put bang and alpha male on this pic
Ranier being awesome.
Omg this thread is an instant classic. LOL You are some funny MF'ers.
Rainer - can you change the BangBros logo into BangButter so we can use it in future romos instead of the brazzers logo?
I'll vote you up every day for a week and call you a jolly nice chap!
ranier wolfcastle -Haha VU

"He got paid peanuts so he made peanut butter." Super Calo Twitter
Axel Foley - Ranier being awesome.
Ranier Wolfcastle is one of my favorite members on this site. I'm not just saying that if someone was to say who are some of the best UGers, he would be one of the first screen names I think of.
He's a great mix of knowledgable, FUNNY, talented(with Romos), and b/c of the first trait, he's informative.
The two advantages I have over him is unlike him, I am capable of being a dick, where as he is not. And I probably have a bigger weiner than him. Other than that, he's the shit.
ViolentRites - "He got paid peanuts so he made peanut butter." Super Calo Twitter
lmfao, Super Calo really said that?
Quick witty mother fucker lol
Thus far, he's the only valid reason I can think of joining/participating in twitter.