Thanks for that nice photo.
the dude just needs a good circle of friends and better medical marijuana :P
the geek -frederic - He can't pay his sparring partners so what makes you think he can pay for a sports psychologist?By stoping his sled medication of weed. The money he spends on that alone could probably pay for 3 phycologists. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
And some spelling lessons for the geek :)
the last thing he needs is prescription meds...
he needs some yoga, meditation and self improvement books...but above all, again he needs positive friends in his life who really care for him. Obviously his brother does as does Gil and Jake but they're both busy with their families, brands, gyms, etc...
ArthurKnoqOut - the last thing he needs is prescription meds...
he needs some yoga, meditation and self improvement books...but above all, again he needs positive friends in his life who really care for him. Obviously his brother does as does Gil and Jake but they're both busy with their families, brands, gyms, etc...
have you seen the stuff he does? or are you just trying to think what you know about him from the 20 minutes you see him. he goes on bike rides with friends, he swims, he runs, triathalons, whatever the fuck else he does. He has one medicine and it's called MARIJUANA! and it helps believe it or not, he's fine.

ArthurKnoqOut - the last thing he needs is prescription meds...
he needs some yoga, meditation and self improvement books...but above all, again he needs positive friends in his life who really care for him. Obviously his brother does as does Gil and Jake but they're both busy with their families, brands, gyms, etc...
That's a fallacy people have with psychologists, people think all they do is prescribe meds (there are quite a few bad ones who do this and give them all a bad name). I'm not saying medicate him, I'm no professional but I don't think he has a chemical imbalance. I think they would focus on helping him to take control of his decisions and be accountable for his actions, in short teach him how to take full control of his life and learn to be OK with whatever happens.
I have never met the guy so I could be way off base about his behavior. Maybe this is all part of his marketing strategy and he is actually a very stable person. All I can do is form an opinion based on what he presents to us and I would like to see him enhance the athletic skills he has with comparable mental control.
Devlin -the geek -frederic - He can't pay his sparring partners so what makes you think he can pay for a sports psychologist?By stoping his sled medication of weed. The money he spends on that alone could probably pay for 3 phycologists. <img src="/images/phone/apple.png" alt="Phone Post" border="0" style="vertical-align:middle;"/>
And some spelling lessons for the geek :)
LMAO. I really am a shitty speller. Auto correct has made me dumber, I don't even attempt to spell anymore. I just expect something to correct me.
Daniel Carver - Yeah, he's complaining about not having any money, lashing out at people, unable to handle the responsibilities of his job, flaking out on contractual obligations...yep, the pot's working WONDERS for his mental health.
But at least he goes out on bike rides and goes swimming, right?
hahaha. Well said/
the geek -Daniel Carver - Yeah, he's complaining about not having any money, lashing out at people, unable to handle the responsibilities of his job, flaking out on contractual obligations...yep, the pot's working WONDERS for his mental health.
But at least he goes out on bike rides and goes swimming, right?
hahaha. Well said/
And I have no issues with pot either. If used responsibly and socially as alcohol (which I actually think swords than weed) I have no problems with it. When it's used as medication for mental health issue, which is completely different than treating physical issues like cancer, nausea, etc. Like alcohol, weed does not get rid of your demons, it just takes them away as long as you are high.
the geek -the geek -Daniel Carver - Yeah, he's complaining about not having any money, lashing out at people, unable to handle the responsibilities of his job, flaking out on contractual obligations...yep, the pot's working WONDERS for his mental health.
But at least he goes out on bike rides and goes swimming, right?
hahaha. Well said/
And I have no issues with pot either. If used responsibly and socially as alcohol (which I actually think swords than weed) I have no problems with it. When it's used as medication for mental health issue, which is completely different than treating physical issues like cancer, nausea, etc. Like alcohol, weed does not get rid of your demons, it just takes them away as long as you are high.
do you smoke? that's like saying yoga and meditation only works as long as you're doing yoga or meditating.
marijuana puts a LOT of things in perspective. When I have a lot of stuff going on and I smoke it puts all that crap into perspective...i realize i should be grateful for first and foremost being alive, healthy, strong, active, have wonderful friends and family etc...don't knock it, m8.
not trying to start anything just think that your statement was a bit shortsighted
ArthurKnoqOut -the geek -the geek -Daniel Carver - Yeah, he's complaining about not having any money, lashing out at people, unable to handle the responsibilities of his job, flaking out on contractual obligations...yep, the pot's working WONDERS for his mental health.
But at least he goes out on bike rides and goes swimming, right?
hahaha. Well said/
And I have no issues with pot either. If used responsibly and socially as alcohol (which I actually think swords than weed) I have no problems with it. When it's used as medication for mental health issue, which is completely different than treating physical issues like cancer, nausea, etc. Like alcohol, weed does not get rid of your demons, it just takes them away as long as you are high.
do you smoke? that's like saying yoga and meditation only works as long as you're doing yoga or meditating.
marijuana puts a LOT of things in perspective. When I have a lot of stuff going on and I smoke it puts all that crap into perspective...i realize i should be grateful for first and foremost being alive, healthy, strong, active, have wonderful friends and family etc...don't knock it, m8.
not trying to start anything just think that your statement was a bit shortsighted
No problem with your comment bud and I appreciate your input.
To answer your question I don't smoke anymore. I smoked a lot of weed and drank a fair bit when I was young but I just don't react well to drugs so I stopped.
I agree with you in regards to the fact that it can put a lot of things in perspective. it's a great relaxant, but my comments are not directed to those who just want to unwind from a rough day at work or from a fight with a girlfriend, it's direct towards those who can't deal with the problems life puts in front of them without the help of drugs (I hope that doesn't come off condescending).
Some insight into my opinions on drug abuse. I have a brother who has been abusing pot and alcohol for 25 years and I don't mean a joint and drink on the weekend, he's now 90 days sober but it took him losing his job, home, custody of his kids and all is money to get there. My mom has been an alcoholic all my life but I didn't know it because she hid it (and I only have great memories of my childhood, she was also a psychiatric nurse, go figure), and I have a step sister who was a heroin addicted prostitute since the age of 14. So I know a lot about drug abuse, but I am still not anti-pot.
Sorry for the FRAT.
Magnum TA - The guy has the perfect mentality for fighting. No one should be trying to change him from what he is until he decides to walk away from the sport.
Nick doesn't need a sports psychologist. Nick has been performing awesome in the sport. A sports psychologist helps athletes achieve their best, to get them in the zone. Nick has no problem with that. If Nick needs a psychologist, it's gonna be a regular shrink. That helps the real life stuff.
i am pretty sure diaz has been training and has not had time to take the class on how to go to a psychiatrist
Stone Rolled - Nick doesn't need a sports psychologist. Nick has been performing awesome in the sport. A sports psychologist helps athletes achieve their best, to get them in the zone. Nick has no problem with that. If Nick needs a psychologist, it's gonna be a regular shrink. That helps the real life stuff.
Great input bud. thanks
yes OP, he has, but chanting "Groozfabbah" all day conflicts with his fighters lifestyle, and possibly ufc policy as long as Fudd's on the TRT.
oops! sorry, the FUCKIN' TRT.
molsonmuscle360 - Sports psychologist? Dude needs a regular psychologist first.
WTF would he need a sports pyschologist when he is at his absolute best when he's fighting?
What he needs imo is a good business manager he can trust.
^ However, he's been with Caesar and all those guys forever. Im sure they were telling him not to miss the press confs and stuff. Im sure he has 100% trust in Caesar and his teammates. He is prob just a bit too much of a loose cannon and mind.
the geek -Sure... but this could RUIN him as a fighter...Stone Rolled - Nick doesn't need a sports psychologist. Nick has been performing awesome in the sport. A sports psychologist helps athletes achieve their best, to get them in the zone. Nick has no problem with that. If Nick needs a psychologist, it's gonna be a regular shrink. That helps the real life stuffGreat input bud. thanks
When he has that amazing breakthrough that causes him to cry and let go of all the pain... he might remove that chip on his shoulder that makes him as great as he is...