Have heavyweight fights gotten a lot faster?

With all the Fedor was, I decided to watch some of his older fights. What struck me the most is how slow paced most of those fights are. Dudes are content with spending a few minutes laying in the guard. Fedor himself is not in a rush most of the time, he rests and is quite complacent a lot!


This does not happen in they heavyweight division anymore. It's all action. I can't recall any recent in-guard ground and pound.

Feel free to collect some data and confirm.

Not disagreeing with OP but the round lengths and especially point scoring were different then.

The sport's skillset have hemogenised too so there are a number of factors to consider before claiming that they've simply sped up imo

Also, don't forget that the UFC have been cutting lay and prayers for the last 5 years.

ProteinOverdrive -

With all the Fedor was, I decided to watch some of his older fights. What struck me the most is how slow paced most of those fights are. Dudes are content with spending a few minutes laying in the guard. Fedor himself is not in a rush most of the time, he rests and is quite complacent a lot!


This does not happen in they heavyweight division anymore. It's all action. I can't recall any recent in-guard ground and pound.

Overeem's brain can't remember any either.