I have been kick boxing for over 3 years but have recently taken up boxing training as well.

Trouble is when I spar boxing it seems like I am not moving my head enough & without the use of legs,I'm getting picked off.

What drills can you guys give me to get my head out of the way?

Thanks guys

If you really need it, start with the basic fundementals and have your training partner isolate jabbing and crossing. Practice your slipping, working the twist of the torso and moving the head at the neck. Start as slow as necessary so that you learn how far you need to move your body to just miss or even just get nicked, move the tempo up as you get aclimated to the situation.

From there I would work double end bag slipping into your workouts. It's the easiest way to work repetition and condition your punching too. I try to work equal measure of rounds on the speedbag, double end bag, and heavy bag.

The horzontal rope walking while you bob and weave under it is good too, but can require more space-just hang a rope at about chin to nose level and shadow box along it bobing and weaving back and forth under to each side, then work it moving backwards too.(but always punch when going backwards-running backwards is a natural instinct but fighting backwards has to be trained.)

-just a few things that work for me....

Ray White

Ill leave this for someone a bit more experienced to write a longer response, but i will make 2 recomendations in regard to the above post.

1) Moving your head at the neck is not something worthwhile of getting into the habit of doing. Slips, lay-backs and ducks should all be initiated at the waist.

2) Fighting when going backwards is another habit i would recomend against acquiring. You shouldnt be aiming to go backwards in boxing at all, and if forced into doing so your only punch should be the jab in order to keep your opponent at bay and allow you to circle. If someone is coming towards you circle to either side whilst throwing punches, not backwards.