Should you, as a BJJ-er, practise a lot of escapes from headlocks?
I haven't really practise ANY so far, and I don't really recall having tapped from a headlock yet. (Well, maybe once or twice, in the very beginning.) Still, a lot of new guys will attempt one on me.
What has generally worked for me is to either stop my opponent from clasping his hands together or, if he manages to do so, put one arm or wrist between his arms to lessen the pressure, get on my side, and then gradually tire him out and/or escape by taking his back, perhaps with a half guard and an underhook or something.
You'll mostly get headlocked on the street and/or by newbies. Most advanced BJJers I have faced usually go for the underhook rather than locking the head since it's easy to escape to their back.
Headlock escapes are really important for beginners to practice. As you've said, it's not something you'd tap out to, but ALL the untrained grapplers (male especially) go for them. Beginners need a way out when they get caught there.
Keeping their hands apart the way you describe shows that you have pretty good awareness. Your beginners will not have the same awareness, and will get caught in headlocks.
Also, the escapes teach good fundamental movements (framing the arms, hooking the leg, going to the knees without turning the shoulders, bridging and rolling, etc.)
very important, i think. like some people noted, a very common attack for unskilled (and some skilled) grapplers. Also, it is a very common self defense type situation if you are grabbed and end up on the ground.
Absolutely. A headlock from a strong, untrained person can be awful for a beginner, so it's important to train it. But even worse, a properly applied head and arm headlock (kesagatame) from a high-level wrestler or judo player can take the wind out of your sails fast even if you are an experienced BJJ'er. Headlock escapes are an important part of the bottom game.
Like many things, they're not important if you know them. If you don't though and end up getting caught in one for a while then it sucks.
Also if you ever intend to teach any type of self defence class then they're important.
Generally though, just train them in addition to your scarf hold escapes.
Headlock escapes are really important. Especially for self defense. Because everybody nows how to grab a headlock.
A lot of things for BJJ beginners to learn, eh?
The front headlock is a thing of beauty and can be very diffcult to defend. There are a couple of brown and blackbelts that give me fits with this. I'm getting better at defending it but I usually have to roll to my guard and give up the pass alot.
"Front headlock" is a different story. I LOVE the front headlock, and am using it more and more. Escapes from that position are a little more advanced, though.
Side headlocks are really common from untrained people, or from wrestlers. Those are such a pain until you are good at getting out!
learn how to escape kesagatame and headlocks, the 4 escapes in royler and renzos book are the most solid with and without a kimono.
Very important, both standing and on the ground. Guillotine escapes as well.
got to be good at them because when you go to a grappling tourny with people other than good BBJ'rs they will most certainly try to headlock the crap out of you! LOL
I think every beginner needs to learn these. If you know how to escape, then the threat disappears, but if you don't ...
That said, a couple of guys at my academy have really strong kesa gatame's which are very difficult to escape, and from which they can finish pretty solidly. I'm not all that bad at it myself
You dont need to necessarily "TAP" to something to learn to defend it. Sometimes, a headlock can be a pain in the ass.
As a beginner I never tapped to them, but I did have to wait for my opponent to try something different. Plus as the others have said it is basic streetfighting defense. It is not like it is hard work. It is just basic movements that will help you roll better.
On another note, the better your headlock escapes...the less chance you will get cauliflower ears!