Heath Herring.....

He looked good and much better than his last few appearances. He was more agressive, he looked leaner and more confident. His general vibe was much better. Glad to see that he advanced and hopefully he will continue to train hard for the next round.

Agreed. Herring is a great fighter, fun to root for, etc. Don't see too many people talking about him cause there's so much else to talk about, but he did look good against Takahashi (despite the fact that Takahashi didn't really belong in this tournament to begin with.)

I've always liked Heath. No matter who he's matched up against in the next round, it will be a very tough fight.

ya those shots looked like they hurt. Those hammers were huge. lol long live king diamond, hell ya.
edited for typo

His stand-up boxing looks horrible.


I think its because he knew he was fighting a Tomato Can.

Takahashi is not a tomato can.

luvmachine, we werent referring to Heat hwith King Diamond...