Just for all of you that know him I wanted to let everyone know my very close friend and training partner Heath was stabbed last night in a altercation. The stab wound was near his elbow and cut a very serios artery in his arm. Heath had emergency surgery and is recovering now. Please everyone keep him in your thoughts. This is the second time he has been stabbed in the last year!
get well soon! Maybe carry a gun and shoot the dumb asses!
Sorry to hear. Get well soon bro.
My buddy was shot in the stomach lat night in Mich got his guts blown out. His wife and kids will miss him. :(
Hope he feels better but who in the world is this guy hanging out with that he gets stabbed twice in a year?
Get well soon man, Barnone sorry to hear that also man, rip
Holy shit Barnone, I'm so sorry to hear that =(
Fucking violence in this world is sickening. So glad I got out of that bullshit. R.I.P for his wife & children, and fast recovery for Heath.
They are pussies that can not fight straight up without weapons so they have to pull and use them.
RIP your friend Barnone
get well soon Heath!
Heath lives in a pretty rough place. Alot of crime here.
I will be sure to let him no who all wished him a speedy recovery.
Hoping for a recovery that is complete, and fast!
Hope he recovers.
Although, how does someone get stabbed twice in one year? Is he in a lot of street fights or something?
Praying for a quick and complete recovery for Heath Pedigo.
Also prayers and condolences for barnoneguerra, his friend and friend's family.
Gary Hughes
Hope he's OK. Could you keep us updated.
i wish him a full and speedy recovery!
I hope he is ok.
Best wishes man
what city is this?
Damn...what a way to start your weekend
We are just outside of E. ST. Louis. Heath is recovering well. He told me to tell everyone again thank you for the recovery wishes.
East Boogie is a tough area