I am in one hell of a bind, so here is whats up...
I moved to Indiana to help my mom get back on her feet, help her get a job, a place to stay, help er get people to stop taking advantage of her, and help raise my 5 yr old baby brother. I was still trying to pursue my dream to fight MMA and go pro, despite being a disabled vet from the Marine Corps. I had saved all my money to enter into a SMMA tournament on the 15th of this month in Vegas, and had started to save to go to an MMA fight in Colorado in nov. My moms truck got impounded because her ex boyfriend is a useless piece of shit and don't follow threw with his word and promises, and spent our money on something else apparently.
I now have to get the truck out of impound, pay a bunch of money to get the title to the car, get insurance on it, and get tags for it. this leaves me with non of the money i had saved up, and every company i had talked to didn't even respond to a sponsorship request.
Im a disabled vet, getting only $770 a month, and taking care of myself, my mom, and baby brother, and just want to be able to achieve my dream and prove the world wrong that i can still fight even tho I'm disabled. Dose anyone have any ideas of how i could possibly come up with $400 in the next 2 weeks, and 1k in the next 2 months?
Pic of said mom
I would like to clarify, im not asking for your money, im simply asking for how to do it, how to get the money, no mater how hard or painful it is!
im confused on the term disabled. if being disabled prevents you from working how does it not prevent you from training or fight. no bad intentions on my question just a lust for knowledge. also have you tried male escorts?
madvillain11 - im confused on the term disabled. if being disabled prevents you from working how does it not prevent you from training or fight. no bad intentions on my question just a lust for knowledge. also have you tried male escorts?
i have a messed up left leg, it has nerve damage and i only have about 20% usability in it. i generally lock it underneath me whenever i have to put weight on it, and that's how i fake it so that i can still fight. finding a job is hard, cuz its hard to stay on my feet for more then 30 min, and i cant sit for more the 45 min without it going completely numb. It is a huge hindrance in fighting, but i try for ground game when i can just kinda let it flop around.
Go to school and use the GI bill. Easy money.
are you good on the phone? google "market research recruiting"
ya i aperantly suck at convincing people to help, i sent out emailes to like 20 companies
PKH - Go to school and use the GI bill. Easy money.
This helps me get $400 in the next 2 weeks how?
Show us some pics so that we can humanize you or dance on the corner and sing the song
"I have no leg, I have no leg
I post on the UG and claim not to beg
I have no leg, I have no leg
seriously pics or sing!
If you are are truly a disabled vet please forgive my harshness, but we all know who Skip Hall is. So post proof now or suffer the UG wrath.
waiting for pics of disabled fighter and sick moms.
Pics in
Pics ????????
wow there are real pieces of shit on this forum
op, I have no suggestions but wishing the best for you and your family.
No, there are people who demand the truth and don't trust random pre-pubescent keyboard warriors for their written word.
Pics or die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, i am a piece of shit who demands the truth.
Pics or Die !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you want help prove it.
PICS OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will donate $50(Canadian dollars) via pay pal if you can prove your situation. I know its not all that you need but it's a little help.
PICS or DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Offer will be rescinded in3 hours. Any Marine I met has photos.
Semper Fei
Pics or die
Ours is not to reason why
but provide pics or die!!!!!!!!!!!
kk one sec, i will post a pic proving im a marine and try to find a way to prove im a disabled vet.