Help me fix my diet with weekly pre cooked meals.

Alright, So I'm working on getting back on my feet. Got a job, just started BJJ and some other workout classes like TRX and kickboxing at the gym downtown. Now I want to clean up my diet.

For Og'ers who follow a strict weekly diet, can you throw me some tips or possibly even your regime for me to copy? I'm looking to lose weight, not put on mass. I have enough of that. I went from couch potato stoner druggie, to active and can't wait to go back to BJJ. So I feel like I can finally get to where I want to be physically if I just tweak my diet.

I'm looking to pre cook all my meals on sunday for the week, at least monday through friday depending on what I can afford. Or if you have a better idea, I'm all for it. I'm just now learning how to be diciplined and It's helping me in all areas.


Also, I assume this will help other OG'ers as well.


No homo, but post progress pics if you want. I don't want eating tips from someone like my former self.


