i had the same thing at 24 had the surgery a month later was fine..its not as bad as it used to be am now 34 retired with almost 30 fights and have no pain... hamstringsd need to be streached every day..
I suggest using an old couch.... preferibly a beige one. Now, position it towards the mat and lay on it in such a way that you can make real estate phonecalls, relax your back, and coach the class at the same time. You will become a highly productive member of society, all the while giving your vertebrae the rest they need.
Seriosly, though that sucks.. give me a call, man.. Chiro can be either the best or worst thing for you depending on who you go to. You need a good dc, not some back cracker... I'll be on my phone tomorrow.
Angeline is the best deep tissue massage therapist in beverly hills, and the chiropractors who own the office she works at are real good... I can have them tell me who is good in our area (Rancho) so you don't have to drive that far.
Go to an orthopedic sportsdoctor,
I have 2 herniated dics in the same area, I first was told to lose wieght, especially if you are carrying etra wieght around the stomach, and started aggresive physical therapy.
I have been almost pain free for years only when my avtivity level drops off or I starting gaining wieght does it flare up.
I'm a phys.therapist and the best treatment is to go get PT from someone who know's how to us "Mckenzie" or is McKenzie certified(I'm not against chiropractors but they can sometimes make it worse)...Exercises like press ups (where you push up with your arms and your hips stay on the floor), side glides, spinal mobs. and sometimes traction...If the symptoms come out of the leg, thats great...if not, you may need a few epidurals...(most dr's do up to 3) surgery is last resort. I'd stop training until it gets better. It's like having a cut on your knuckle, if you keep bending it, it takes longer to get better. Bringing your knee's to your chest, bending at the waist etc...all can make the discomfort worse. Any activity or exs. that increased the leg pain is NOT GOOD.... If your low back pain gets worse but the leg doesn't have any numbness, your on the way to recovery...GoodLUCK!
GrapplingGirl- I have not been able to roll in about 3 months and yes, I have gained about 12 pounds...I can't exercise at all...but I am going to get an epidural today...hopefully it works out..
Epstine- Yes...i'll definitely be giving you a call ASAP....What type of insurances do you accept?
GokartMozart- Thanks for the advise...I've been iceing it alot...it doesn't seem to be working..
I suffer from ruptured, herniated and bulging disc's from l2 - s1. I have had 3 surgery's and several epidurals along with years of this and that kind of therapy.
First surgery helped very little the other 2 made things worse. I have been on pain meds for about 7 years now and have some kinda strange new epidural set for July 1st (I dread it!)
When I first hurt my back I kept training and competing in judo matches but over years that has come to a stop, I'm 37 now and live through my kids and MMA websites.
Gn'P Graphics-
Thanks alot bro...I know the way I have been suffering for the last few months and I can't even imagine what your going through....I wish you the best...
I had my epidural done today and i'm really feeling alot better....the pain is finally gone (Thank God)...
I'm going to start rolling really light on Thursday and start physical therapy and acupuncture right away..
Glad your feling better, be sure to take it slow, the epi dont fix it it just helps with the pain. The problem s still there. Ive been to a lot of docs and specialists, a lot of people suffer from some of the same things but it effects everyone differently.
grappling girl had some good stuuf... most back pain comes from stomach and hamstrings stretches are very important...im not sure were your from but i went to all of the top therapy places( where all of the baseball,football and basketball players go) i couldnt afford it but i asked, who is the best doctor for surgery, i kept getting the same man.. the pain was too bad, i couldnt even dress my self,putting socks on,no way..i figured if he was good enough for those guys and there salaries, they were good enough for me...best thing about him was he said he didnt want to do the surgery i was young and it could heal itself..too much pain, and i had to get back to work.
Betiss I went to a chiropracter and he told me if im not adjusted I can stretch all I want but the pain would come back. Go to a Dr and it would be the best thing for you.
Well guy's, so much for the epidural...Thursday I rolled with Romie out of his guard only....I felt pretty good but I still can't grapple from my back yet...we rolled light for about 20 minutes...the next morning my back was killing me...the epidural feels good in my back, but my right hip is still fricken sore...my orthepedic suergon told my that I need a second one??? what do you guys think about that?
Thanks barnoneguerra, HumbleFighter20, sexz, vlucero, and Gnp graphics.