Help My Fighter Win Big Buck Contest!

Yeah, the unemployment rate doesnt get to them!:)

TTT and Thanx yall!!

TTT a few more will seal it guys!! THANX!!

 Looks like Brandon won.

Well done.


Damn says poll closed? But lok slike he won 21.5 vs 20 something :-)

Morgz -  I voted for him.  But honestly, it was very hard for me to NOT vote for Boris...

 And  a VTFU for making me laugh!

 Hahahaha thanks but I can't take much creidt.  That was seriously one of the entries on there - I just linked the picture. I cracked up at it too.  Look at his little gun!

YEp, he won, THANX UG!!!


Just send me an email Q of what to update


So what did he WIN??

 I voted even though mines bigger!  =)