Just making the finishing touches for a MMA website for a new school.
Looking fir help and advice on anything i might have over looked.
site is
Just making the finishing touches for a MMA website for a new school.
Looking fir help and advice on anything i might have over looked.
site is
oh and if you want a laugh why not download the video, have to right click and save as.
Again would appreciate any advice.
Lighting could have been better and should have wore brighter cloths but the whole vid was shot in 40mins.
Looks pretty good to me!
Had initially made it white but then i found out the guy its for hates white.
Prob did go a little OTT, but to be honest i just wanted to mess around with PSP.
Looks descent. A few suggestions...
Consider doing your buttons a different color, so there is greater contrast between that and the background image.
Get some copy on the front page, so the search engines have something to work with, and there is something there to keep vistors' interest.
Get rid of the ALL CAPS on the front page.
Ditch all that centering on "About".
Also on "About", check that thing out at various resulutions and different browsers. I'm viewing in Firefox @ 1152x860, and I have to scroll right to read everything. Never make visitors scroll horizontally.
TY i noticed the issue with firefox a couple of days ago. its something i will have to look into.