Ok, now that I am blue I'd like to figure out how to post some pics for you guys but am having no luck.
Advice suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!
also if You ask real nice , LawdyMama can really help . Dont piss her off though.
Nice try mulletron5000
From: MR BIG1
Date: 02/22/08 05:13 PM
Member Since: 07/28/2002
18523 Total Posts Ignore User
Oh yeah, have shot competitively for 20 years and have competed in the national and world championships many times. (tied for 5th in the Worlds a few years back)
Thanks Crooklyn Blue Goddess of the UG
ECWCock The thread from EM says it has expired.
Still have no luck with the Pro HTML editor?
Archer , Mulletron got you and you know it
Now , go open an account with Photobucket , Ill show you the rest.
Ok, I got as far as the image appearing on the right but when i click ok I get an error about scripts? Any clues?
click on pro HTML copy and paste it from host.
Ok, I got one to work, I must've been cutting off some of the text from the direct link! Thanks for your help guys!
2nd try on the same thread, work on your approach Merril!
aww, alright. you can simply right click on the photo, hit copy and then paste.