Hendo Watches Bisping Isle, Mike Brown at TapouT

Can someone please post the fist on fire video?

I predict people talking about this knockout for years to come.

Why is it that the embed and links on these vids NEVER work?

 Dan always looks so laid back, just chillin. Although some will dispute his class after the fight (which shouldn't even be in question), I still think he's a classy dude. That said, i agree that i don't think he found them quite as funny as most of us do. Kinda reminds me of the Dude from the Big Lebowski when it comes to his laid back style.

Ha! Classic!

"I see UFC 1,000 .... (Dramatic Pause)... 2"!

LOL. Love that Dan Henderson.

TTT for Hendo

Cool to see what an impact the fans have on here. Fighters see everything now. Even the red coat romo

 The redcoat homo was my favorite of them all.....



Dan is a stud.

Mohammed -  Looks like everyone was sick of being on camera and being interviewed ..

yea it did. +1

 Classic  - great vid!


 Good for Hendo. Finally he is getting the recognition in North America that he deserves.

Great video....Funny shit

He was even tapping his foot during Bispings Isle..(he was grooving to it) lol! Oh yeah, and the redcoat romo is right up there with punker chic dancing! Cheers to the redcoat romo creator. That onne cracks me up to no end..and just seeing Dan see it was epic!

 Is there a Youtube video anywhere? For some reason I can never see Springboard videos.

 hahahaa! thats awesome.

yeah i saw him tapping his foot to the beat too. thats pretty hilarious this video went from the UG to all over the internet and straight to Dan Henderson. Pretty funny Hendo asking for the video. I guess someone at Team Quest told him about it before.

saw im get a kick out of the part where chaplinshouse sings "they still gave him the win" the cocky dick part and the part of the song where he sings along.

thanks for posting this spydernation and thanks to dan from hitman gear for recording this!

nice to see bismanfightclub's fist of fire idea that i quickly threw together up on that video too.