Hendo's road to 2nd title shot?

I know Dan has stated that he wants another shot at A Silva...hypothetically if he wins out his upcoming fights, how many fights (or who) would be his road back to a title shot?

2 or 3 fights IMO

 who fucking knows in the MW division, they just seem to be making it up as they go along.

obviously even though their fighting at 205lbs that the Franklin fight is one step. But I figure one more marque name fight after that and he gets another shot. That would make 3 wins (if he wins all) in a row.

Mad Xyientist -  who fucking knows in the MW division, they just seem to be making it up as they go along.


If he beats Franklin, just give it to him. He's not getting any younger and they could use the time to build up Okami or Maia or whoever else they have in mind for the next shot.

 dan said he prefers to fight at 205

so keep doin it