Here Since the Beginning

Dial up days myself. Was on the wait list for the Fighter’s Notebook…… still waiting on the updates too……


any day now!

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Yes… in the flesh

Sad days. Here since 98. It’s been real.



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  1. Same for me
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I got banned in 2002 for posting a cell phone tracker website that you put a number in and it would act like it was zooming into a location then showed a trans getting nailed. Must have triggered a mod.


I only check in here randomly what is going on

The OG has been killed. Most of the regular posters, including Mods, have been perma banned. All that is left are folks like you, harmless nerds the new overlords have no fear of, and some who remembered that they had an old ass account.



I’m Don Quixote

all your windmills are belong to us

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Yes, SQ was Baron von Beatdown (of beaftown).

The real question is: was Joe Rogan’s black eye caused by Quadros head kicking him in a public bathroon, followed by Joe’s face bouncing off a urinal?


Can’t get a strait answer out if anyone: what has changed in the last week or two? My first name is now public? Bots moderating? Otherground killed? someone explain it to me like I am in my mid-40s. Been here since 1999 and still hanging on, but need to know…

Haven’t been active on this in a meaningful way for years, but the recent drama made me take a look back. I started lurking here in high school, posted a bunch through medical school, now I’m married with a kid. Crazy how this small pocket of the internet held up so long, and so very sad that such a rich history is being annihilated by greed.


So, what’s the plan for all the posters here? Where are we going to gather now?

Go here my friend


star trek GIF


Hey all. What the heck happened> I was here one day then after 20 years BAMM, suspended. I doubt this will make it on here but I was GoldenboyArt. I just want to know what I did to get suspended.


What is with all the talk of this place closing soon?

I have also been hear since the beginning (1997ish?)…came here from Sherdog’s which was a Geocities site back then (I was TBFTNE there) …I was BeastfromNE, TBFTNE, and TPSM here back in the day. When I was TPSM I used to post a bunch of goofy Dr. Klitschko brothers stories on the Boxing ground.

Took about 15 years off (still was lurking daily) and started posted again last year. “Tito will Kill Charles, I guarantee it” was my UG post back when they first fought…had fun with that one.

I guess this will be my last post here. A colossal waste of time indeed.



Agreed. Much like styles in society, the OG was different each decade. The OG of the early 2000s was different than the OG of the 2010s or the 2020s, but each one had its place.

For many of us the OG was the one internet constant we’ve had for most of the internet age. Our email addresses, websites, and how we use the web have changed, but the OG was a constant through it all. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end


I still have my webtv keyboard.

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