Big fan Adam but what happened to uncle henach ? Haven’t seen an episode with him in a while
Yeah I miss him on roasted too,I love the show and Adam anyway but it’s even better with Renato.
Greg Wilson has said some of the funniest shit I have ever heard on the podcast. CB golds gold and cbs dog were classics. It's the best podcast by miles whoever is on
MankTabbott - Does Adam still post here? Or is he too busy doing stand up at a hispanic used car lot?
He still posts here. Why wouldn’t he want to hear quality insight and feedback like the kind you provide?
Uncle Renach was great on the show.
SouthBrooklyn - Big fan Adam but what happened to uncle henach ? Haven't seen an episode with him in a while
I'm recording a new one tomorrow with Renato. We have Anthony Njikuani calling in as well as Ashley Yoder. Should be a great time. Thanks for the support.
MankTabbott - Does Adam still post here? Or is he too busy doing stand up at a hispanic used car lot?
It was a great show. I got paid in Air Fresheners and a Mini-Jesus figure that hangs on my dashboard.
I like Greg with CB (gives Greg a lot of material). Renata is great with anyone.
The Other Persian -I like Greg with CB (gives Greg a lot of material). Renata is great with anyone.
I love the podcast but it does have its fair share of audio issues ever since they lost Ween Dawg to the mouth breather Andrew
Adam Hunter -MankTabbott - Does Adam still post here? Or is he too busy doing stand up at a hispanic used car lot?It was a great show. I got paid in Air Fresheners and a Mini-Jesus figure that hangs on my dashboard.
You got lowballed Adam. Everyone else got a suction cupped hawaiian bobblehead
Adam Hunter -MankTabbott - Does Adam still post here? Or is he too busy doing stand up at a hispanic used car lot?It was a great show. I got paid in Air Fresheners and a Mini-Jesus figure that hangs on my dashboard.
MankTabbott - Was the main reaaon i listened to that show. Some of the last episodes have been horrible. When the dude was impersonating Conor, CB and rowdy bec it was definitively the worst moment in the shows history.
Sup noob. Act like you listened to the podcast before last month.
It’s no big deal if you bring back creepy joe. Also renato is great but we need more Alyssa (you can’t spell Alyssa without Ass) too.
ChicagoTom -MankTabbott - Was the main reaaon i listened to that show. Some of the last episodes have been horrible. When the dude was impersonating Conor, CB and rowdy bec it was definitively the worst moment in the shows history.Sup noob. Act like you listened to the podcast before last month.
darkiemontana -Greg Wilson has said some of the funniest shit I have ever heard on the podcast. CB golds gold and cbs dog were classics. It's the best podcast by miles whoever is on
Is greg back on the show!? He was my favourite
How to watch the video version?
Yea Andrew does kind of suck huge cock, but its still my favorite mma podcast by far.
I agree with the Andrew sentiment. The Pluto TV thing has changed the feeling of the show at times. But Adam's been throwing a lot of side episodes in that are awesome too. He's a beast. My favorite podcast by far.
Adam you paid Weendawg for producing the Yoder interview? Lol...that was rough. You better have gotten a discount for that one.