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A legit brown belt fucken schools a BJJ Black Belt!
not even a single piont!!!
aka "bitch boy" now going as Rafa "usuck" Santos
Jamie Levine
what??? what the fuck you talking about????who schooled me u dumb ass?????............if you u have a problem with belt come over, cause after i fucking choke you out than all the black belt who were present when i got my black will fuck you. Stop trying to talk shit about me u fuck, i didnt have to tie a belt around my waste , one of the greatest jiu jitsu guy did........now i want to know who schholed me, cause i really dont know dumb ass
Just for your info ass hole last tourney i compete i took 1st , was the fgl, just compete with my friend John just to play u child molester istead of try to take care of my life go look for some teens ass hole. U got me cofused with somebody else u faggot baby rapper.
U pussy ass bitch, u say that u are a bjj bb and im nothing so why is that u tell jaun that u dont have the time to train for a fight with me that u have known about for five months and now u need six more months to train for me.... u are a fucken joke rafa...
sign the contract bitch
jamie levine
lets just do this the old kimbo style?
man up bitch and get your money ready winner take all ill match however much u bring u got till aug.
You know what.........Fuck you........as i know The fight was never gonna happened, ur the last shit in my life, so i'am gonna put you to the side and gonna compete in something better then fight a bumb i'am gonna do my bjj tourney then pananms, after i'll go kick your ass, u're fucking irrelevant to me. I train everyday dumb ass i have all the time in the world to do it, i owe a fucking u fuck.....but the thing is you're the shit i take first thing in the morning so u're last in my life, also lke i told you you're the that set up sept, not me, the fact is when i want it not you, if you want bring it on dec 5Th, if not shut the fuck up and go fuck ur little teens.....i'am done with everybody knows u're a liar and a fake bitch........bitch
hahahahahahahahahaha sounds like to me that u are backing out again... u talk a lot of shit and cant back it up. usuck!
how we do this on sept 5 XFC st pete fourm before the bjj torn?
or june 27th in pittsburgh?
first week of aug in orlando on the streets? i can make all three happen....
whats it going to be you little bitch?
go suck your mommy tits
whats it going to be rafa pick a date boy and ill be there.. sounds like to me you are scared... hahahha
omg iam so scared.....hahahaha i told you you're the dump i take ......so you will be last at my life.
speak english moron , and sign the dec contract that was emailed to you three days ago. i signed mine today.
bitch boy santos.
have a nice day playing with the children u fag.
will sign it as soon as have it with a pleasure........one more thing..........fuck you registerd sex offender......wow big achievement in life molest kids.
will sign it as soon as have it with a pleasure........one more thing..........fuck you registerd sex offender......wow big achievement in life molest kids.
just got off the phone with samatha, guess what she still doesnt have the signed contract back to her yet. that doesnt suprise me because you are scared to back up your words. u suck.... hahah
still waiting rafa, i just got the a copy forwared to me so u should have it cause your email address is attached to the contract... u pussy ass fag
still waiting ..... tic toc tic toc. hahahahaha
now its to make the call and say im making fun of you again rafa. lol
rafa , another day has gone by like the wind and still no signed contract.
u got theidus the pussy idus? lol
u are such a poser.
have a nice day with the kids at wally world playing in the sand box , dont let the cats cover you up, they might think you are a piece of shit. lol
by refusing to fight does that mean rafa is giving up his blackbelt?