Hidehiko Yoshida Clinic coming to No Cal in May


We were just made aware that Hidehiko Yoshida, the 1992 Olympic Gold Medalist, All Japan Finalist and MMA fighter will be conducting a clinic in the San Jose / Bay area on May 28th.  The clinic will be hosted by Dave Camarillo and mmafaestro.com

We last attended a clinic hosted by Dave for Flavio Canto in 2008. It was excellent and well worth the more than 750 mile round trip that weekend.

I will update this thread when I have more information in regards to venue, costs, forms, and time.  You might also find more information at davecamarillo.com  or contact them via the website.


Orange County Judo Training Center

OCJudo.com Team


can someone ask him how his nuts are doing after that knee from Ishii? Holy shit that musta hurt!


Dave is doing great stuff with who he brings in to expose people to.... Canto, Vieria and now Yoshida.


Dave is doing great stuff with who he brings in to expose people to.... Canto, Vieria and now Yoshida.

I'm sorry Josh, but I don't want ANY of those people to expose themselves to me. I might be more open to having Emi Yamagishi expose herself to me, however.

yea... no, not really.

Great opportunity to meet a legend! 

and Hidehiko Yoshida is going to be there too!


 Here is the link to the registration forms and more information.


A few highlights

Kazuhiro Nakamura is his uke for this seminar.

It will be held at AKA in San Jose, at 7:00pm on May 28th.  The seminar will be 2 hours with a 30 minute Q & A afterwards.

Cost is only $50 for pre-registration prior to May 24th.  Cost is $75 after May 24th (cash at the door).

How was it?

The posters says Nakamura was a world champ