Hilarious Cro Cop vs. Pat Barry pic

Who do Barry look like there?


epwar - Who do Barry look like there?

 ^^^ Diego VS Shoney Carter??? j/k


 looks like tyson griffin

Windfall - <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BJJmzs4vGpI/R4blEaR-lkI/AAAAAAAAAEI/T5aHSIY29Rg/S730/marciano-walcott.jpg">


He looks like himself getting punched in the jaw by cro cop

ranier wolfcastle -  looks like tyson griffin

Holy crap, you nailed it!

Troll face meme!!


 Jon Favreau?

ranier wolfcastle -  looks like tyson griffin


Looks like a dermatologist checking out the mole on Crocop's elbow.

Zamiel - Sean McCorkle

LOL! So true.

lol, on a side note while looking for a gif found this cool sketch