Hiplock from figure 4 back mount?

Does anyone know of a hiplock type maneuver to do when you are backmounted and the guy figure 4's his legs? I think I remember seeing a video something along these lines, but I can't recall where. I'd love a description of any hiplocks, or other possible counters, from this not so fun position. Thank you. Cheers.

If his right leg is across your stomach you can't put your left leg over his left leg.

What I'd do is this: If his right leg is across your body and his right foot is in the crook of his left knee like in triangle position you need to roll to your left side so that his right foot touches the ground. Take your right foot and place it over the instep of his left foot. His left leg should be lying flat on the ground at this point. You are essentially stepping over it with your right leg. Now thrust your hips forward. This will put extreme pressure on his right ankle. He will either tap from the pain or give up his position.

Thank you all. cprovost's ankle lock sounds doable, and pretty nasty. I think it was a couple of Gracie's in the clip I'm thinking of. If anyone can find it, or describe it, I'd appreciate it.


Royce showed us this move at a recent seminar. I have always been sceptical about it but it works a treat!

I have had people try to do cprevost's lock and it doesn't work-on me anyway.

However, old blues I have had done to me in mma competition. It blew out my knee(still won the fight). It is more like you are overlapping your left to his left from the inside. it is very doable and sneaky.

Master: Is the pressure from that leglock (the one that wrecked you) like a kneebar from the side? It will probably work itself out in training, but I'd like to have a better picture of what I'm shooting for before I unleash it. Cheers.


TTT for pics or more details.

Any other suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
