hopefully horton impresses tonight

i'd like to see johnie do good tonight. he is an oustanding athlete and on the countdown show he is ripped as hell. it's his first fight but he's fighting a guy that only has 1. so he should fair well.

he is an x wide reciever that played for usc, and played somewhere in the pros. he's making his debut at the k-1 ppv. tonight.

oh you mean MORTON

^ yes my fault. i was hearing horton for some reason.

I guess his opponent is a Japanese TV personality who has some MMA skill and a TKD background. This could be a tough fight for Johnnie

"he may hear a who"

fucking LMAO

Chuck Horton always impresses!

I predict Morton will never fight again

Morton was KO'd in about 28 seconds...he looked like he had never trained