lady gaga > justin bieber > emo boxing
Musashi - Oh yes... it's just been completely RUINED with silly girls flailing around on a bed showing off their panties.
Wait.. that was in the first video!
Skinny jeans are always the best sparring attire
Don't post yourself on a public forum, then cry foul when people call you out on your bullshit.
Whiny bitch, lol.
"You better not touch my drumset!!!"
nostripewhite - Don't post yourself on a public forum, then cry foul when people call you out on your bullshit.
Whiny bitch, lol.
what bullshit?
i was pissed the video got changed to some skinny ass gross chicks boxing. at least have some chicks with titties box!
take me seriously or not i dont really give a shit lol it was just for fun anyways.
that lesbo video was awesome
Op needs to make a new video showing huge improvement in his striking or be eternally banished from the ug.
Keith you can trane with us anytime!
I am the guy doing the armbar triangle combo.
My striking hasnt gotten much better, but my jiu jitsu has grown leaps and bounds.
I shall put a video up soon of my jitz, if you guys think I fail I shall leave the UG FOREVER
bekk46 - Keith you can trane with us anytime! I am the guy doing the armbar triangle combo.My striking hasnt gotten much better, but my jiu jitsu has grown leaps and bounds.I shall put a video up soon of my jitz, if you guys think I fail I shall leave the UG FOREVER
Stop saying Jitz