How bad will the spider feel if he loses to Chael?

If he loses he will not only lose the belt but also taint his legacy and will no longer be considered the goat.

All down to one man who has ridiculed him, his country, his wife and his team.

That is going to be a bitter pill to swallow.

That is why silva did not want this fight and keeps looking to get disqualified. He has got so much to lose and fights don't change that much. He must realise there is a strong likelihood he is going to spend a good portion of the fight on his back. As far as I can see the spiders only chances are to catch Chael on the way in or the sub.

Even at this late stage I would not be surprised to see this fight cancelled. Anderson really does not want this fight Phone Post

You must be really close to Anderson to have such keen insight into this inner thoughts

I was wondering where that diarrhea I had last night ended up

 LOL @ looking to get disqualified.

Even if he loses, he will still be the greatest middleweight of all time - GMWOAT

betterfighterthanyou - What a fucking retarded thread

This. Phone Post