I need some exercises to improve my squeeze, for example during a RNC I can easily tap people squeezing with my right arm, but I have a lot of trouble with my left. The weird part is that I am a lefty.
Are there any exercises I kind do to improve that? Thanks in advance.
A real simple thing is to just do what Eddie Bravo probably a bunch of fighters do. Just sit down, bring up your knee and try to choke it out. It sounds funky but really does work.
Thanks to both of you!
Your welcome dueri. Just remember that this just like any other workout and will take a couple weeks to see real results.
make sure your tech is good,i never needed more then a little flex,but my arms r short
Lol it's the opposite for me. I'm right handed but my squeeze is stronger with my left arm :P
Good stuff!
Where are you "grabbing" the wrapped arm? There is technique involved.
Do you own a foam roller? I have one of those black ones. It's pretty good. They are really hard and it doesn't lose it's shape. Squeezing it helps.
You can also go to lowes and get a the right sized pvc pipe
You don't need to squeeze with you arms. Lock it in and pull you shoulders back and pinch your shoulder blades together.
choke a thai pad
Squeeze strength will speed up a RNC but there are other factors, one demo I do to show is how I can RNC and get the tap without even squeezing. Think about the old west where outlaw was hung by the neck while on horseback and they pulled the horse out, the outlaws own bodyweight strangled him not the tightness of the knot. So point is that flexing the chest and shoulder and bridging the hips into the opponent all while squeezing gets the tap in seconds. I have seen 100lb females tap out much bigger dudes once they get it all in place.