How did Conor make it this far

Why do westerners use fag like it’s a insult. Your countries have legalised it. Conor your boy is a fag. 

Member Since: 8/4/18

StrikingMMA - Member Since: 8/4/18

10/06/2018. Day your boy got his ass whopped.

I didn’t know the infamous underground was just full of kids. Posting pics. All front like your boy Conor. Tap machines. Has the cat got your tongue. 

One person who has more balls than all of you combined. Is Christopher mcgregor. He did what he had to do. Like a typical McGregor for a bit of paper. Isn’t he f****** awesome. Conor fanboys cannot see they are getting sold wolf tickets. The mcgregors are a bunch of chicken jaw’d rats.

Careful match making by the UFC. With the UFC’s help treating Aldo like shit his mental game has also played a part. 

Had Mendes on short notice. Fast tracked to the title, insisted on Nate rematch at 170 to preserve the 155 title shot etc etc. 

Every move made in his career has been a careful commercial decision by the UFC.

If it was up to Conor’s coaches he would be just fighting Nate for the rest of his life. It is now khabib time. Which means. Get the f*** back in line. Take your bitch ass fanboys with you. Hopefully to WWE, you fanboys would fit right in over there.

Protected I am convinced conor would have never had to fight khabib if he didn't get all big headed and tell ufc I want to be part owner.

Conor vs khabib was a  business move for the ufc. Because khabib beating him makes him a name. And ufc got to spread thete chips.

Conor took the fight thinking khabib 

Was not going to make weight. Conor looked scared af in the weigh ins.

Win or lose he was still making millions and made a ton of money before that. I'm sure he came back for money but who can really blame him. 

How old are you OP? It's a bit discouraging if you are any older than 16

kyleburkle -

Protected I am convinced conor would have never had to fight khabib if he didn't get all big headed and tell ufc I want to be part owner.

Conor vs khabib was a  business move for the ufc. Because khabib beating him makes him a name. And ufc got to spread thete chips.

Conor took the fight thinking khabib 

Was not going to make weight. Conor looked scared af in the weigh ins.

Lol I am quite sure he didn't take the fight banking on Khabib not making weight. Conor has proven he will fight anyone, even bigger fighters. He is very confident for good reason, most fighters truely believe they can beat anyone. 

OP this is a piss poor troll attempt. It was clearly obvious from the get go. 


Paramount Donkey -

Win or lose he was still making millions and made a ton of money before that. I'm sure he came back for money but who can really blame him. 

How old are you OP? It's a bit discouraging if you are any older than 16

Why would it be discouraging?

If he is 16 he has to be at least 3 years older than any mcgregor fan, because no one over 13-14 could possibly care about his corny bullshit.

Pedro Navaja - A mixture of things. I'm probably one of the biggest Conor "haters" out there...

But he is extremely talented. You can’t deny that. That mixed with his self-marketing ability and being at the right place in the right time.

He KO’d Aldo and ran from a rematch. I still think that was a fluke but he actually did knock him out… Then facing Alvarez for the belt was a bit of “right time”. What if Khabib or Ferg was champ at that point? Who knows… Fighting Mayweather was incredible too. For MMA.

For what its worth, he is still revolutionary figure. Still nowhere NEAR any of the GOATS (GSP, Fedor, DC, Anderson)… But he’s forever etched into MMA history as one of the biggest draws ever that ushered in the “Money fight Era”.

Respect to Conor. You and your fans still bitches though. Haha! Khabibtime!

He asked for an Aldo rematch when RDA pulled out. Aldo said no.

IMO, Conor’s greatest attribute is his confidence. He truly believes he’s the best fighter in the world. He’s an incredibly hard worker who developed a style with Kavanaugh and Roddy that maximizes his crazy reflexes and fast twitch striking ability. The UFC kept him away from guys like Guida and Edgar.

The downside with the confidence is: once he’s gassed and in a bad position, he loses his confidence. Khabib is also the worst matchup in the sport for him: an undefeated WW sized grappling beast.

JAV63 -
Paramount Donkey -

Win or lose he was still making millions and made a ton of money before that. I'm sure he came back for money but who can really blame him. 

How old are you OP? It's a bit discouraging if you are any older than 16

Why would it be discouraging?

If he is 16 he has to be at least 3 years older than any mcgregor fan, because no one over 13-14 could possibly care about his corny bullshit.

I highly doubt he got rich from anyone that young, he's not a YouTube star

I can just feel it. This was Conor’s Ronda rousey moment. His trash talk will not be effective, his left hand not feared anymore. The myth has been broken. 

Es2018 -

The guy is a 21-4 in the professional ranks, can you believe it. He is flat footed. Zero wrestling, zero grappling. Only has one noteworthy shot, the infamous left, which can be avoided with minimal head movement. His last opponent is known for having his chin in the air, which Conor still somehow missed. He comes out of a country famous for alcoholism, and decides to sell them alcohol. Talk about putting fuel on the fire. This Irish warrior on October 6th fought valiantly for Ireland in round 3. But it was the round he mentally quit in, saying it’s just business at the end. He talks about mcgregors being warriors and fighting in battles, turns out the only known mcgregor in the army was Christopher. Oops. Pre fight he envisaged heads clattering of the canvas, if only he had known it would be his own head doing the clattering. He is not a man to go out on his shield though. He cheated and then when it was time he quit. Conor said if khabib came out of the bus in New York he would have been in a box and he himself would be in jail. Lol. After he gets mauled by the guy who slapped his friend. He decides to sucker punch someone. Gets combo’d in return and in his own words. Battle won. Isn’t he f****** awesome. P.s. his team are a bunch of posers. 

I’m have not been a fan of Connor as many of my post would show.

But would have to disagree with some of your assessment of McGregor.

This is the reason why I can not consider myself a Nuthugger of any fighter and not necessarily a hater of any fighter either. I was impressed with Connor’s boxing when he first came in the UFC. He looked like a seasoned boxer with some good combo but I was not sold as we had no idea at the time how his ground game is like. Also looking at his 2 losses at the time shows that his ground game needs improvement to compete against many wrestlers in the UFC.

Everyone knows that he has a good left and he usually work off a counter when his opponent is coming in. The momentum of coming in and Connor throwing at the same time makes that left hand very dangerous. Connor also has a good reach for his size which allows him to throw a little sooner than his opponent as they get within range of Connor’s reach. I think he has a decent combo and doesn’t have to rely exclusively on his left hand.

Connor is also fairly quick but nothing even remotely close to the prime Mayweather. Prime Aldo is much quicker but Aldo played right into his game, coming in recklessly and Aldo is getting older as well and have not been the same fighter he used to be.

Connor also has good footwork and not flat footed like you describe. He would plant his feet and counter with Power but he can move when he feels it’s the right time and can go in and out of range.

Connor also has developed his ground game both in wrestling and grappling/bjj, so saying he has zero ground game is totally in accurate. But it will never be as good as some of the best wrestlers and top notch Bjj’er in the UFC.

I feel that his trash talk along with his natural skills and with a lot of good lucks have gotten him where he is today.

I believe that he knows this which is the reason why he avoided to defend his titles. Luck can only take you so far and eventually, the trash talk will not be enough to push him over.

stringtheory - 

Very skilled striker. Above that one of the most calm and calculated in the octagon, he is effortless and confident in their against 99% of competitors, that's a huge advantage. Add the mental game, he's a master of mental warfare by the time the cage door closes he's already winning. He thrives under the lights and feels no pressure, most can't match that. He had favourable matchups and took advantage of them spectacularly. He ran into Khabib at a bad time and fell.

this. good post. Being close to 100% of your true ability because of your mental game versus fighting people at 50-60% of their true ability because of anger or nerves is a huge advantage.