how did junie stay on the show?

threw a glass at a dude

tried to drown master bader

teep kicked one dude and knocked him down

punched another dude in the face

raped choked krystov

punched master bader in the face and kicked him

how? how does he stay on?

Dana thinks he's talented and marketable, therefore he stays. If a lesser fighter did the same thing, he'd be off the show.

he's the new catsmasher

Dana thinks he's talented and marketable, therefore he stays.'

Exactly - see Monsta Lobsta guy...

Kicked off for encouraging a fight..Junie tries to fight the whole house and still stays..Fuck look at him cage side - the guy is a total mess sober too.

Unless he got a free pass to do this shit for ratings..

 ratings > rules

He is the next Anderson Silva!

robopimp - Dana thinks he's talented and marketable, therefore he stays. If a lesser fighter did the same thing, he'd be off the show.

what is a cat cutter though ?

it was bullshit

It's bullshit IMO

How are the other fighters supposed to focus and relax between training sessions with that shit going on.

Junie needs to be cut so he can go drink himself to death or hurry along to whatever incarceration he's destined for.

what is a cat cutter though ?

LOL i presume u are joking...calf cutter.

Really any one belive that him and Dana had words and he was given a bit more freedom to spice up the ratings..

It's all ratings. Last season didn't really have idiots on it. Don't know how the ratings were

 Society applauds people who re-invent, re-hab and mature. But we overlook those who posses desirable qualities as a virtue.

If Junkie makes a turn-around he'll be a fucking star.

Too bad he can't control that rage. It could serve him well in the ring. In combination with some skill.

rumor has it junie saves a busload of children from falling off a cliff in a later episode.

siouxNYC - rumor has it junie saves a busload of children from falling off a cliff in a later episode.


because these fighters are ENCOURAGED to act like this for the show.

Its happened every season since season 1.  And they have to push the envelope, if he did the same thing Leben did it wouldn't be raising the bar at all.

Why do you think they give them alcohol and let them break shit all day?  They want them to do this.  Then they come down on them on national TV for being assholes.

Dana = puppet master   Junie = puppet     you = unwitting audience.

If you get in a guy's face and challenge him and throw a chair in the pool you have REALLY pissed BLAF off and have to fight immediately. See Shane Nelson.

If you throw a glass at someone, cut them, kick a fighter, throw a few punches at them, destroy the house and pool, disrupt the entire household, you get to stay on the show and get a good night's rest. See Junie.

Makes PERFECT sense, if you understand this formula:

douchebag=ratings, ratings=money, talent=wins, wins=money