How do people pass USADA?

Might seem like an obvious question but I haven't seen really too many explanations.

Logic dictates that the 'designer steroid' expensive route isn't particularly affordable for many athletes. It also explains why JJ and Anderson can fail, and the other athletes such as the ladies with massive traps and micropenises pass regularly (and they'd be earning far less).

Therefore the solution has to be something else.

I presume that it has something to do with the test timings. Either there's a bit of corruption where people are notified in advance, or you simply 'know' that there are windows of a few hours where you can take small doses of things that won't show up.

I imagine there's a huge network of peope involved. From what I understand from friends of mine that train, the training partners who take things aren't particularly secretive about it, so the solution lies not in 'whether they are taking' but 'how they are passing'.

So in a nutshell, what is the methodology that they use for passing, as I can't see any info, and have JJ and Anderson simply f'ed up on the timing or dosage due to simple error?

The easiest way is by not taking any of the banned substances

by going to bellator

I’ve been wondering something along these lines also. If there some steroids that can be hidden. Why do the russians keep screwing up so bad? Are they unable to get the good stuff like other countries?

I don’t think it is particularly sophisticated in terms of the chemistry. That would take a lot of money. This is why I feel the timing and dosage is probably what needs the most attention.

The massive scandals are probably related to loads of money and actual cover ups. On a basic level the 10/10 fighters and whatnot will be doing something much more simple.

Let’s say mathematically you have a 1/25 chance of being tested on a given day. You can play with that and take a calculated risk provided you know how long it is in your system.

The other aspect is if you are allowed to skip one or two. I presume not every missed test is a failure so you improve your odds.

I personally believe they’re all doing something with trainers nutritionists and camps involved.

If you believe there are plenty of clean athletes then that’s fine but even then you’d have to admit there’s likely plenty of athletes under USADA never detected.

I won’t name names to avoid that debate but they’ve been mentioned enough.

My theory is that USADA was created by the pharmaceutical company to get people on to the new steroids that are not tested for yet.

Lucas Maximus - 

My theory is that USADA was created by the pharmaceutical company to get people on to the new steroids that are not tested for yet.

Now that’s a theory never considered. What about WADA? They test the Olympians.

Whatever these new drugs are they don’t seem to be working as well. So many guys have looked worse since USADA kicked in.

They're not on the new stuff yet, its probably hard to get

The olympians are on a whole other level I think its gene therapy

the olympics do strict testing, but most are on peds  there too

one way is having a chemist design a special roid that wont leave traces of stuff the tests detect

ranier wolfcastle -

the olympics do strict testing, but most are on peds  there too

one way is having a chemist design a special roid that wont leave traces of stuff the tests detect

that's why they have the biological passport since 2007.

one way around it is: whereabouts falsification. see cycling rasmussen

MR31 -

The wizinator! It's a fake dick with a bag of clean piss attached. You whip that bad boy out, fill the cup with someone else's urine and the rush back to your syringes!

I always assume that's how Cyborg does it.

Well apart from the occasions she doesn't obviously.

I once read how Lance Armstrong and A-Rod were able to beat the systems that were seemingly out to get them for years. It took a whole team effort, but both were so confident in their ability to pass they would do some brazen shit. The UG seems to be experts on this shit so I will try to preface this by saying it's been a few years since reading the article but some of the shit was out of their system so fast that they could microdose before bed and by the time they went to morning training they were clear. A-Rod knew once the games started (& they lasted 4 fucking hours, sometimes more w media obligations) he wouldn't be tested so he was actually doing shit in the clubhouse/dugout. Back then they would use the clear or some cream shit they would rub into their skin to help recovery on that area. I think that's why USADA and the harsher penalties haven't been much of a deterrent at all.

You think these guys are the victims of trying to cheat a few times and getting unlucky? No. They believe each time there is a small % that a random tester will show up within x amount of time. Then there's a small % their shit will get flagged. These guys know another pop will cost them their careers, and they are making very good $$ - Bones, Spider, Mir, Mendes, etc. yet they don't give af. That's because their teams convince them to stick to the program & they're good. Then we see a bunch of pops bc USADA's technology improves so they adjust. They really bring out the best from each other. I wish the NBA & NFL used a 3rd party random testing program like USADA - it would blow out minds the names that popped. One is a 34 year old with HGH head and is busting out of his jersey who hasn't slowed down even a little over the last 15 years.

Morpheus1976 -

one way around it is: whereabouts falsification. see cycling rasmussen

Another is hiding under the practice facility Octagon for 8 hours pissing into empty Gatorade bottles to pass the time.


USADA insider.


Lucas Maximus - 

My theory is that USADA was created by the pharmaceutical company to get people on to the new steroids that are not tested for yet.

Are you saying that the pharmaceuticals are creating/selling steroids that the anti doping scientists no nothing about?

3 ways:

Very expensive oral gummy gear that has a half-life of hours. That's the shit the MLB guys are using. 

Corruption, like when NFL or NBA players get a heads up well in advance, or when MLB did the pilot program and tested Omar Visquel 8 times and never tested Barry Bonds. 

Pure luck. The testers missed the offenders when they would have failed.