How good was Ken Norton?

well I wasn't arguing about specific rounds. It really doesn't matter to the point I was trying to make

I watched the 1st and 5th round with no sound and here's what I think.

I'd say round one went to Douglas, but it could have gone the other way. It was a close round but Douglas IMO, showed a better defense, slipping Tyson's punches and blocking some good shots on his forearms. Tyson had him against the ropes a few times but did not hurt him or land anything good.

I though Douglas deserved the 5th as well. Tyson was a little more active but he connected with nothing of note and he initiated a lot of holding. He seemed content to slip Douglas' right and clinch at times rather than actually fight. Simply surviving does not win rounds in my book.

So that leaves the 8th. Yeah Douglas lost it 10-8 because he became overconfident and left himself often while he was on the attack but he was winning the round up until the knockdown. It's not like Tyson rallied and came out for a great round or anything; he was still getting his ass kicked like in all the others.

I, too, watched the fight again and gave Douglas the first and fifth rounds. It's hard to give Tyson any round other than the eighth because he is so passive and not landing any shots. Douglas gets his punches off first and then ties Tyson up. Over and over again. Jason, I stand by my claim: Douglas dominated Tyson in that fight.

well I agree that Tyson was dominated, but I thought that the level of domination was over stated earlier

He won nearly every round (and would have won the 8th if he wasn't knocked down), had him psychologically whupped, and even knocked him out. I'd say he dominated him pretty damn well. Anyway, let's get back to Norton. I don't even remember how this whole Tyson-Douglas thing started.

Norton was a good boxer, a fairly hard puncher, and a tough guy with a magnificent physique. His chin wasn't nearly as bad as some tried to make it; the guys he lost to by early round KO's (Foreman, Cooney, etc.) were all HUGE punchers and would have KO'ed anyone if they froze up like Norton did against them. If anything it was a psychological thing, not physical.