was born in Oakland...but that kinda makes me popolo. was raised in Napa Valley's wine country...i guess that makes me haole.
and - oh yeah - my white skin.
was born in Oakland...but that kinda makes me popolo. was raised in Napa Valley's wine country...i guess that makes me haole.
and - oh yeah - my white skin.
Do you put ketchup on rice>?
I live in Kailua.......does that count??
false cracks thread
Fill in the blank....
Mr. _ = HAOLE
Mr. Pibb?
I've got an 1/8th Irish, put ketchup on my rice, and I love the word shenanigans. I come from the clan O'Mullaney, via my grandfather Oliver. "Oh Danny Boy, the pipe's, the pipe's are calling..."
Other than that, Haaaaaaawaiian, Japanese, Filipanish.
Rabello + 10points
I live in newport beach... in which I regulate MOKE style. lol
cant get much whiter then NB cali.
My momma is from Georgia.
I like lots of butter on my rice when I eat fried chicken.
I like to put suger in my poi sometimes.
I like my stew brown, not that tomato-ey shit.
I can sing old country music and gunfighter ballads.
I love mashed potatos.
I like fresh bread.
My BBQ has to be red or vinigar not shoyu based.
I love baked potatos, skin and all.
Shit on a shingle mmmmmmgooood!
"Oh Danny Boy, the pipe's, the pipe's are calling..."
^^ One talented Bruddah.
I am mr. Haole.
I was born and raised in Arkansas.
My house is in the woods, on top of a mountain.
There have been live turkeys in my house.
I can appreciate the delicate taste of fried chicken, louisiana hot sauce, and white wonder bread.
I have had dog populations numbering well into the double digits.
I ride horses and have worked cattle.
....I win.
pretty mean stuff FCTV. u go my braddah.
I should have had you play at my wedding...can you play at my funeral one day?
Former southern Californian native now living in Haolewood (aka north shore)here.
I think that's pretty Haole.
^too late Rabello. i already booked an act for your funeral.
All of you give me your lunch money. I accept tokens too.
I'm sooo Haole, I don't even KNOW I'm Haole!