How hard is it to pass a Drug Test? (vid)

t G G t -
The Loge -
t G G t - Yeah because that worked out well for Nog when Bob Sapp was spiking him on his head. Or Ernesto Hoost when Sapp was mauling him against the ropes.

Pointless post is pointless. Phone Post 3.0
Half of those things help prove your argument....I'll let you do the math.... Phone Post 3.0
It's not an argument. I'm addressing a silly comment that skill>steroids. Phone Post 3.0

Lol you have to be like 10 years old or just really stupid. Phone Post

UGCTT_CreepysStacheWax -
t G G t -
The Loge -
t G G t - Yeah because that worked out well for Nog when Bob Sapp was spiking him on his head. Or Ernesto Hoost when Sapp was mauling him against the ropes.

Pointless post is pointless. Phone Post 3.0
Half of those things help prove your argument....I'll let you do the math.... Phone Post 3.0
It's not an argument. I'm addressing a silly comment that skill>steroids. Phone Post 3.0

Lol you have to be like 10 years old or just really stupid. Phone Post

Lmao. Says the goof who thinks MMA is somehow different, that you don't need steroids. Are you fucking serious? If I were as dumb as I think you are, I wouldn't be so quick to call someone stupid. Can you be more overtly ignorant? Phone Post 3.0

t G G t -
UGCTT_CreepysStacheWax -
t G G t -
The Loge -
t G G t - Yeah because that worked out well for Nog when Bob Sapp was spiking him on his head. Or Ernesto Hoost when Sapp was mauling him against the ropes.

Pointless post is pointless. Phone Post 3.0
Half of those things help prove your argument....I'll let you do the math.... Phone Post 3.0
It's not an argument. I'm addressing a silly comment that skill>steroids. Phone Post 3.0

Lol you have to be like 10 years old or just really stupid. Phone Post

Lmao. Says the goof who thinks MMA is somehow different, that you don't need steroids. Are you fucking serious? If I were as dumb as I think you are, I wouldn't be so quick to call someone stupid. Can you be more overtly ignorant? Phone Post 3.0

Ya ur right. Mma is the same as body building and u need steroids. Since the judges give the decision to the dude with the best abs. Phone Post

UGCTT_CreepysStacheWax -
t G G t -
UGCTT_CreepysStacheWax -
t G G t -
The Loge -
t G G t - Yeah because that worked out well for Nog when Bob Sapp was spiking him on his head. Or Ernesto Hoost when Sapp was mauling him against the ropes.

Pointless post is pointless. Phone Post 3.0
Half of those things help prove your argument....I'll let you do the math.... Phone Post 3.0
It's not an argument. I'm addressing a silly comment that skill>steroids. Phone Post 3.0

Lol you have to be like 10 years old or just really stupid. Phone Post

Lmao. Says the goof who thinks MMA is somehow different, that you don't need steroids. Are you fucking serious? If I were as dumb as I think you are, I wouldn't be so quick to call someone stupid. Can you be more overtly ignorant? Phone Post 3.0

Ya ur right. Mma is the same as body building and u need steroids. Since the judges give the decision to the dude with the best abs. Phone Post

Point proven. You know nothing. Phone Post 3.0